Sharing Projects On RStudio Server Pro

I am running a standalone RStudio Pro instance on an AWS-EC2 instance. I am controlling user accounts through the local PAM.

However, when trying to use the project sharing feature the sharing list does not populate users in the PAM. I can force the list to populate by changing the rsession.conf to include: project-sharing-enumerate-server-users=1

It populates a list but I get the following error when I try to add a user.
(TypeError): Cannot read property 'failed_paths' of null

Does anyone run into similar issues with the sharing feature?

I cannot reproduce this behavior. Does this happen for users that have used RStudio before or only for unknown users? Generally I find it easier if project sharing is restricted to actual RStudio users, c.f. the discussion in

BTW, since you are using the professional version, you can also open a support ticket, c.f.

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