Shinny need finite 'ylim' values

I'm trying to use Shiny dashboard to create a graph based on values from a dropdown list. I am getting an error message "need finite 'ylim' values". I have included an image of the error message. Any idea where I am going wrong, please?


  ui = fluidPage(
    titlePanel("Test Shinny"),
    selectInput("event_type", "Choose an event Type:", c(data1$event_type))
    selectInput("event_name", "Choose an event Name:", c(data1$event_name))
    selectInput("hostname", "Choose a hostname:", c(data1$hostname)))
    plotOutput("plot1", click ="plot_click"),
  server = function(input, output) {
    output$result <- renderText({
      paste("You chose", input$event_type)
    output$result <- renderText({
      paste("You chose", input$hostname)
    output$result <- renderText({
      paste("You chose", input$event_name)
    output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
    output$info <- renderText({
      paste0("x=", input$plot_click$x, "\ny=", input$plot_click$y)

  # Run the shiny application
  shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Data 1 is as below

dd = data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
           timestamp = c("2018-11-08 07:42:11", "2018-11-08 07:42:55",
                         "2018-11-08 07:43:41", "2018-11-08 07:44:07",
                         "2018-11-08 07:44:57", "2018-11-08 07:45:44", "2018-11-08 07:46:28",
                         "2018-11-08 07:47:20", "2018-11-08 07:47:56", "2018-11-08 07:48:48"),
           hostname = c("host1",
           event_name = c("save", "upload", "render", "upload",
                          "save", "save", "render", "upload",
                          "upload", "render"),
           event_type = c("STOP", "STOP", "STOP", "STOP", "STOP", "STOP", "STOP",
                          "STOP", "STOP", "STOP"),
           time_task = c("25.8089997768402", "40.319000005722", "42.9910001754761",
                         "24.6840000152588", "46.1050000190735", "44.2489998340607",
                         "41.2440001964569", "49.4800000190735", "33.7000000476837",
           task_id = c("00390eee-c26c-41da-a02d-556bb7fcac67",
                       "0ad8d29d-d30c-48c9-bd0a-fbea985464b2", "52881801-4d75-4ada-a118-682aa1d5ddf9",
                       "fa8d5709-ffb6-4a8b-bd73-0076c1654d49", "0ebfe158-0c86-4cde-8742-20d13cc4076b",
                       "ffd69831-0ba4-457b-b8a8-e37c49779d94", "70a9ab55-b17f-4df6-82ef-146425d7bbfa"))

This is the error message I am receving:

We don't have access to Data1 so it's hard to help you, also this plot is not based on any dynamic input so its going to be just a static plot.

Thanks, @andresrcs I have included data1. I am trying to create a dynamic plot based on data1.

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