Shiny app for climate change informed tree species selection - Shiny Contest Submission

Shiny app for climate change informed tree species selection

Authors: Bruno Tremblay

Abstract: Use map or table to enter points of interest. Information for each point is retrieved from a Postgis backend. Click Generate to produce a series of information detailing each site tree species feasibility, including modelled future predictions.

Full Description: This was built for a Code with us BC Gov opportunity.

The user click on the map or use the table to enter points of interest. Information for each point is fetched live from a Postgis DB. The user can then generate a series of information detailing each site tree species feasibility, including modelled future predictions. Custom SVG are generated from some results. Otherwise it is simple DT or plotly graph. An export option is available to download an HTML report of all sites.

The map uses VectorGrid leaflet extension with custom generated tiles sandwiched between a base layer and labels.

Challenges were:

  • Building custom tiles and serving them
  • Using VectorGrid with leaflet
  • Build an elevation API from raw raster tiles
  • Custom SVG factory

Keywords: Government forest management leaflet postgis vectorgrid tileserver
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - bcgov/CCISS_ShinyApp: CCISS RMD knitr report graphics and Shiny App
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


Full image:


The database will be down for maintenance for the next few days.

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Heads up, pdf print will work on once the new shiny app image is used.

See Error when using pagedown::chrome_print() in - shiny - RStudio Community

Works fine outside now

FYI, the new shiny app image is now deployed.

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And the database is offline.