Shiny app works fine locally, but error when publishing to Shiny server

My application worked perfectly locally and on Shiny server.

After including two new libraries, my application stopped working on Shiny server, but works perfectly locally.

library (geojsonio)
library (broom)

When I upload my changes to Shiny server I get the following error:

Preparing to deploy document...DONE
Uploading bundle for document: 3086934...Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...) :
  Unable to find repository URL for package foreign
Deploying bundle: 3810518 for document: 3086934 ...
Waiting for task: 816998925
  building: Building image: 4318161
  building: Installing system dependencies
  building: Fetching packages
  building: Installing packages
  building: Installing files
  building: Pushing image: 4318161
  deploying: Starting instances
  rollforward: Activating new instances
  terminating: Stopping old instances
Document successfully deployed

The libraries that I load at the beginning of my script are the following:


The output for sessionInfo():

R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18362)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=Spanish_Spain.1252  LC_CTYPE=Spanish_Spain.1252    LC_MONETARY=Spanish_Spain.1252
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                   LC_TIME=Spanish_Spain.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_3.5.1   rsconnect_0.8.16 tools_3.5.1      packrat_0.5.0-30

The output for rsconnect::appDependencies():

Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...) :
 Unable to find repository URL for package foreign
         package  version source
1             BH 1.69.0-1   CRAN
2            DBI    1.0.0   CRAN
3     KernSmooth  2.23-15   CRAN
4           MASS 7.3-51.4   CRAN
5         Matrix   1.2-18   CRAN
6             R6    2.3.0   CRAN
7   RColorBrewer    1.1-2   CRAN
8          RODBC   1.3-16   CRAN
9           Rcpp    1.0.4   CRAN
10            V8    3.0.2   CRAN
11    assertthat    0.2.0   CRAN
12     backports    1.1.2   CRAN
13     base64enc    0.1-3   CRAN
14         broom    0.5.6   CRAN
15         callr    3.1.1   CRAN
16         class   7.3-14   CRAN
17      classInt    0.4-3   CRAN
18           cli    2.0.2   CRAN
19         clipr    0.5.0   CRAN
20    colorspace    1.4-0   CRAN
21        crayon    1.3.4   CRAN
22     crosstalk   CRAN
23          crul    1.0.0   CRAN
24          curl      4.3   CRAN
25    data.table   1.11.8   CRAN
26          desc    1.2.0   CRAN
27        digest   0.6.18   CRAN
28         dplyr    0.8.5   CRAN
29         e1071    1.7-0   CRAN
30      ellipsis    0.3.0   CRAN
31      evaluate     0.14   CRAN
32         fansi    0.4.0   CRAN
33        farver    2.0.3   CRAN
34       fastmap    1.0.1   CRAN
35       foreign   0.8-76   CRAN
36   formattable   CRAN
37      generics    0.0.2   CRAN
38       geojson    0.3.4   CRAN
39     geojsonio    0.9.2   CRAN
40     gganimate    1.0.7   CRAN
41       ggplot2    3.3.2   CRAN
42          glue    1.4.0   CRAN
43        gtable    0.2.0   CRAN
44        hexbin   1.28.1   CRAN
45         highr      0.7   CRAN
46           hms    0.5.3   CRAN
47     htmltools    0.4.0   CRAN
48   htmlwidgets    1.5.1   CRAN
49      httpcode    0.3.0   CRAN
50        httpuv    1.5.2   CRAN
51          httr    1.4.1   CRAN
52       isoband    0.2.0   CRAN
53           jqr    1.1.0   CRAN
54      jsonlite    1.6.1   CRAN
55         knitr     1.24   CRAN
56      labeling      0.3   CRAN
57         later    1.0.0   CRAN
58       lattice  0.20-35   CRAN
59      lazyeval    0.2.1   CRAN
60     lifecycle    0.2.0   CRAN
61     lubridate    1.7.4   CRAN
62      magrittr      1.5   CRAN
63      maptools    0.9-4   CRAN
64      markdown      0.8   CRAN
65          mgcv   1.8-24   CRAN
66          mime      0.6   CRAN
67       munsell    0.5.0   CRAN
68          nlme  3.1-137   CRAN
69       openssl    1.0.2   CRAN
70        pillar    1.4.3   CRAN
71      pkgbuild    1.0.2   CRAN
72     pkgconfig    2.0.2   CRAN
73       pkgload    1.0.2   CRAN
74         plogr    0.2.0   CRAN
75        plotly   CRAN
76          plyr    1.8.4   CRAN
77        praise    1.0.0   CRAN
78   prettyunits    1.0.2   CRAN
79      processx    3.2.1   CRAN
80      progress    1.2.2   CRAN
81      promises    1.1.0   CRAN
82     protolite      2.1   CRAN
83            ps    1.3.0   CRAN
84         purrr    0.3.4   CRAN
85         readr    1.3.1   CRAN
86      reshape2    1.4.3   CRAN
87         rgdal    1.4-8   CRAN
88         rgeos    0.5-2   CRAN
89         rlang    0.4.5   CRAN
90     rmarkdown     1.15   CRAN
91     rprojroot    1.3-2   CRAN
92    rstudioapi     0.11   CRAN
93        scales    1.0.0   CRAN
94            sf    0.9-2   CRAN
95         shiny   CRAN
96   shinythemes    1.1.2   CRAN
97   sourcetools    0.1.7   CRAN
98            sp    1.3-1   CRAN
99       stringi    1.4.3   CRAN
100      stringr    1.4.0   CRAN
101     testthat    2.3.2   CRAN
102       tibble    3.0.1   CRAN
103        tidyr    1.0.2   CRAN
104   tidyselect    1.0.0   CRAN
105      tinytex     0.15   CRAN
106    triebeard    0.3.0   CRAN
107       tweenr    1.0.1   CRAN
108        units    0.6-2   CRAN
109     urltools    1.7.3   CRAN
110         utf8    1.1.4   CRAN
111        vctrs    0.2.4   CRAN
112  viridisLite    0.3.0   CRAN
113        withr    2.1.2   CRAN
114         xfun      0.9   CRAN
115       xtable    1.8-4   CRAN
116         yaml    2.2.0   CRAN
117          zoo    1.8-7   CRAN

The 'foreign' library seems installed.

I hope someone knows how to help me. Forgive my english. Thanks in advance.

Would you consider upgrading to a more recent version of R, and updating your packages to the later version ?

Thanks a lot!

It works now. It was silly but I had been looking for the mistake for days. Thanks again.

Did upgrading to R4.0 resolve your issue?

yes i updated, it asked me to reinstall some packages and it worked perfectly.

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