Shiny Contest Submission: A Shiny App for Teaching Introductory Statistics Students the Appropriateness of Using Mean/Median/Trimmed Mean with Their Hometowns

This Shiny App aids instructors in teaching introductory statistics students the appropriateness of using Mean/Median/Trimmed Mean with their hometowns.

It has the following functionality/technical details:

  • Allows the student to type in their home town/state.
  • The App scrapes the appropriate hometown off the internet.
  • The town's population and lat/long are saved into a google sheet.
  • The App Reads off the googlesheet and returns the data in a chart.
  • After clicking update, the hometowns plot on an interactive map.
  • The mean/median/trimmed mean of the hometown's population is presented.

The instructor can use this interactive tool to teach an important introductory concept with student's personalized data.


  • Jenny Bryan's googlesheet's package
  • Hadley Wickahm (and team's) tidyverse and rvest
  • Leaflet

Shiny App Link



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