Shiny Contest Submission: ExPanD - Explore Panel Data

ExPanD is a shiny based app supporting interactive exploratory data analysis. It has two main purposes:

  • Support open science by enabling readers to assess the robustness of empirical evidence without the need to provide them access to the underlying data.
  • Provide a toolbox for researchers to explore longitudinal data (aka panel data) on the fly.

This is what ExPanD looks like:

While I designed ExPanD to be helpful as an open science tool in the academic review, publication and replication process I also think that it is convenient for typical exploratory data analysis. In addition, it has already proven to be helpful in the classroom. It is based on my ExPanDaR package, which is available on CRAN. See the package documentation and this blog article on how to use the member functions of the package in your analysis workflow.

This is my shiny contest submission:

In it, I use a sample of World Bank Data that allows users to explore the association of per
capita country level income (gdp_capita) with life expectancy (lifeexpectancy). This association is also known as the “Preston Curve”. If you are interested in a little bit more background, you can take a peek at this blog article.

To see ExPanD working with other data sets, you can go here for a financial accounting and stock returns dataset of U.S. firms. Alternatively, you can also access a variant of ExPanD here that allows user-side data uploads. No worries: Your data won’t be stored on the server and will get erased from memory as soon as you close the web connection.

Thanks for reading. If you happen to have feedback, I would love to hear from you. Enjoy!

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