Shiny Contest Submission: Radiant - A shiny app for (business) analytics

Radiant is an R-package for (business) analytics that includes a Shiny user interface. The tool is used in various graduate and undergraduate classes on data science, statistics, decision analysis, and (business) analytics at different universities. For an introduction to radiant see:

Shiny App URL:
RStudio Cloud Project:
GitHub Organization:

You can run the app from the Rstudio Addins menu ("Start radiant") or by running the command below on Rstudio Clould:


See the video tutorial on running the modeling/modeling-demo.state.rda state file:

Note that the app is setup on to load user data from the user's local system. However, when launched from Rstudio Server it will use shinyFiles to load data directly from the server.

Technical details:

  • Radiant is an Rstudio addon that works with an Rstudio project workflow (i.e., can use relative paths within the project folder to load and save data)
  • Generate R-code for reproducible analysis ( The generated R-code can be sent to the Report > Rmd tab in Radiant to be Knit and edited or directly to an open R(markdown) file in Rstudio.
  • Save and restore full application state. For an example of loading a previously saved state file click on the floppy/save icon in the navigation bar and open "modeling/modeling-demo.state.rda" or "citibike/citibike.state.rda". This will take you to the tab last used before saving the state and includes all settings and data from the previous session
  • Can be used with shinyFiles to load data from a server when launched from Rstudio Cloud or Rstudio Server
  • Included analysis functions can also be used without the browser interface (
  • Also available as a docker image with Rstudio Server, Jupyter Lab, and Postgresql. See
  • Radiant is extensible so additional custom "menus" can be included. See for the (currently) simplest example on how to set this up.

Radiant documentation:

Documentation for the Radiant + Rstudio + Jupyter Lab + Postgresql docker image:

Note: Radiant 0.9.9 will (likely) be available on CRAN later this week

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