Shiny Dashboard: Menu Item: homepage + drop down menu

My question is regards to menuItem and menuSubItem.

As of now, clicking the MenuItem opens a drop down menu, revealing its respective SubMenuItem. Then, clicking the SubMenuItem enables you to access its contents.

I am curious if it’s possible to simultaneously click a MenuItem and:

  1. Open its drop down, revealing the various SubMenuItem (this is the case now)

  2. And additionally, direct to its specific contents.

In effect, I would like each of my MenuItem to have a kind of "Homepage", where you are immediately directed to once you click it (along with the normal presence of a drop menu).

For me, this “Homepage” feature only exists with MenuItems that do not have SubMenuItem. As soon as SubMenuItem are added, clicking the MenuItem only results in a drop down menu.

Below is some example code. I would like to be able to access "Homepages" for both MenuItems (1 and 2) and as well access the drop menu for MenuItem 2. As of now, clicking MenuItem 2 does not bring me to its homepage:


# Define UI for application
ui <- dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(title = "Shiny Dashboard"),
      menuItem("Menu Item 1", tabName = "menu_1"),
      menuItem("Menu Item 2", tabName = "menu_2",
               menuSubItem("Sub Menu Item 1", tabName = "sub_1"), 
               menuSubItem("Sub Menu Item 2", tabName = "sub_2")
      tabItem(tabName = "menu_1", 
                h1("Homepage 1")
      tabItem(tabName = "menu_2", 
                h1("Homepage 2")
      tabItem(tabName = "sub_1", 
                h1("Sub Menu Page 1")
      tabItem(tabName = "sub_2", 
               h1("Sub Menu Page 2")

# Define server logic
server <- function(input, output) {


# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Any help with this issue is greatly appreciated.

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Hi!, i was looking for this question Shiny Dashboard: Menu Item: homepage + drop down menu but i can't see the answer, please help!

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