Shiny Deployment with Electron and RInno package: download handler not reactive

I deployed a shiny app using electron with the RInno package. I really like the way the app is deployed since it allows the user to install it similar to any other desktop app. My app includes a functionality to download a report. When I run the code in RStudio, I can download the report without any problems. However, in the electron environment, the download button is not responsive. I don't know much about electron and the research I did so far did not yield any answer.

I produced a minimal example to showcase what goes wrong. I used the example app that is provided in the RInno package. Since there are - even in a tiny shiny app - a bunch of files necessary, I have uploaded the example on github.

If you clone the repository, you can either run the code in R like a normal shiny app, where the download feature should work. Or you can run the code in the create_app.R which will deploy a desktop app.

After running the compile_iss() function in create_app.R, an installer is put in the folder RInno_installer. The app can then be installed and runs seemingly smoothly - except that the download button doesn't do anything.

I am really lost with this and would appreciate any inputs on how this could be solved or why the download handler script doesn't work in the electron environment.

Thanks for any help.

I ran into this issue today too. I've never used Electron either, but I'm trying to learn some things to hopefully work around this issue. If it weren't for this, Electron would be a great way to go.

I was looking more at the Electron documentation and realized that it is downloading data when I click my download button. It is using my "Downloads" folder by default, but there is nothing to tell the user that it was successfully downloaded. I guess I will have to create an alert or trigger some message to pop-up telling the user that the file was downloaded into their "Downloads" folder.

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