Shiny GroupCheckBoxInput based on two reactive variables

...I'm trying to use two groupcheckbox inputs to filter data set but can't seem to work out how to make it work

server <- function(input, output) {
  df_amount_subset <- reactive({
    req(input$selected_category & input$selected_year)
    filter(df_amount, Category %in% input$selected_category & year %in% input$selected_year)

The error message is operations are possible only for numeric, logical or complex types

I'm guessing it's because there are two reactive components to the expression but when I tried to write them separately

  df_amount_year <- reactive({
    filter(df_amount, year %in% input$selected_year)
  df_amount_subset <- reactive({
    filter(df_amount_year, Category %in% input$selected_category)

this is the error message

no applicable method for 'filter_' applied to an object of class "c('reactiveExpr', 'reactive')"

any help gratefully appreciated, thank you :slight_smile:

I managed to get it to work by filtering in the renderplot function

  output$weekdayPlot <- renderPlot({
    filtered <- df_amount %>% filter(Category %in% input$selected_category & year %in% input$selected_year)
    ggplot(filtered, aes(weekday, TotalAmount, fill = Category)) +


Your issue with the second implementation in your original post is that you are referencing the reactive object without the required (). I am assuming that df_amount is a predefined variable that is not a reactive. Your reactive's should work if you split them like this:

df_amount_year <- reactive({
    filter(df_amount, year %in% input$selected_year)
  df_amount_subset <- reactive({
    filter(df_amount_year(), Category %in% input$selected_category)

output$weekdayPlot <- renderPlot({
    ggplot(df_amount_subset(), aes(weekday, TotalAmount, fill = Category)) +

All reactive expressions have to be called with the () at the end because they are essentially functions. You can learn more about it through the shiny reactivity tutorials

ahhhhh, thank you :slight_smile:
that makes sense