shiny r: Interactive plot app with rhandsome table and plotly

Good Afternoon, right now I am Working on an app where the user can choose the length of a vector (up to 30 values) and then fill those vectors in rhandsontable to make different kind of plots, so far i have managed to do it but it only works with only the first cell of each column that is why i like to ask how do I make the app to take into account all the values of the vectors, also i was wondering is there a way to also introduce characters in case you want to make labels for the histogram for instance.

Here is the code

type or paste code here


#Vectores Para Graficar
x2<-data.frame( t(replicate(2,0))); y2<-data.frame( x2 );x3<-data.frame(  t(replicate(3,0)) ); y3<-data.frame(x3);x4<-data.frame(t(replicate(4,0))); y4<-data.frame(x4);x5<-data.frame(t(replicate(5,0))); y5<-data.frame(x5);x6<-data.frame(t(replicate(6,0))); y6<-data.frame(x6);x7<-data.frame(t(replicate(7,0))); y7<-data.frame(x7);x8<-data.frame(t(replicate(8,0))); y8<-data.frame(x8);x9<-data.frame(t(replicate(9,0))); y9<-data.frame(x9);x10<-data.frame(t(replicate(10,0))); y10<-data.frame(x10);
x11<-data.frame(t(replicate(11,0)) ); y11<-data.frame(x11);x12<-data.frame(t(replicate(12,0))); y12<-data.frame(x12);x13<-data.frame(t(replicate(13,0))); y13<-data.frame(x13);x14<-data.frame(t(replicate(14,0))); y14<-data.frame(x14);x15<-data.frame(t(replicate(15,0))); y15<-data.frame(x15);x16<-data.frame(t(replicate(16,0))); y16<-data.frame(x16);x17<-data.frame(t(replicate(17,0))); y17<-data.frame(x17);x18<-data.frame(t(replicate(18,0))); y18<-data.frame(x18);x19<-data.frame(t(replicate(19,0))); y19<-data.frame(x19);x20<-data.frame(t(replicate(20,0))); y20<-data.frame(x20);x21<-data.frame(t(replicate(21,0))); y21<-data.frame(x21);
x22<-data.frame(t(replicate(22,0))); y22<-data.frame(x22);x23<-data.frame(t(replicate(23,0))); y23<-data.frame(x23);x24<-data.frame(t(replicate(24,0))); y24<-data.frame(x24);x25<-data.frame(t(replicate(25,0))); y25<-data.frame(x25);x26<-data.frame(t(replicate(26,0))); y26<-data.frame(x26);x27<-data.frame(t(replicate(27,0))); y27<-data.frame(x27);x28<-data.frame(t(replicate(28,0))); y28<-data.frame(x28);x29<-data.frame(t(replicate(29,0))); y29<-data.frame(x29);x30<-data.frame(t(replicate(30,0))); y30<-data.frame(x30);

# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
ui <- fluidPage(

    # Application title
    titlePanel("Old Faithful Geyser Data"),

    # Sidebar with a slider input for number of bins 
            menuItem(selectInput(inputId = "S.Table2", label = "choose the Lenght of the vectors to plot (Up to Lenght 30)",
                                 choices = c("2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10",
                                 ,selected ="3"),icon=icon("list")),
            radioButtons("choice2","Choose a type of plot", choices=c("Histogram" =1,"Pie-chart" = 2,
                                                                         "Plot" = 3,"Time Series" = 4 , "Donut chart" = 5))


        # Show a plot of the generated distribution

# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
server <- function(input, output,session) {

    valuesx = reactiveValues()
    valuesx[["2"]] <- x2;valuesx[["3"]] <- x3;valuesx[["4"]] <- x4;valuesx[["5"]] <- x5;valuesx[["6"]] <- x6;valuesx[["7"]] <- x7;valuesx[["8"]] <- x8;valuesx[["9"]] <- x9;valuesx[["10"]] <- x10
    valuesx[["11"]] <- x11;valuesx[["12"]] <- x12;valuesx[["13"]] <- x13;valuesx[["14"]] <- x14;valuesx[["15"]] <- x15;valuesx[["16"]] <- x16;valuesx[["17"]] <- x17;valuesx[["18"]] <- x18;valuesx[["19"]] <- x19
    valuesx[["20"]] <- x20;valuesx[["21"]] <- x21;valuesx[["22"]] <- x22;valuesx[["23"]] <- x23;valuesx[["24"]] <- x24;valuesx[["25"]] <- x25;valuesx[["26"]] <- x26;valuesx[["27"]] <- x27;valuesx[["28"]] <- x28
    valuesx[["29"]] <- x29;valuesx[["30"]] <- x30
    valuesy = reactiveValues()
    valuesy[["2"]] <- y2;valuesy[["3"]] <- y3;valuesy[["4"]] <- y4;valuesy[["5"]] <- y5;valuesy[["6"]] <- y6;valuesy[["7"]] <- y7;valuesy[["8"]] <- y8;valuesy[["9"]] <- y9;valuesy[["10"]] <- y10
    valuesy[["11"]] <- y11;valuesy[["12"]] <- y12;valuesy[["13"]] <- y13;valuesy[["14"]] <- y14;valuesy[["15"]] <- y15;valuesy[["16"]] <- y16;valuesy[["17"]] <- y17;valuesy[["18"]] <- y18;valuesy[["19"]] <- y19
    valuesy[["20"]] <- y20;valuesy[["21"]] <- y21;valuesy[["22"]] <- y22;valuesy[["23"]] <- y23;valuesy[["24"]] <- y24;valuesy[["25"]] <- y25;valuesy[["26"]] <- y26;valuesy[["27"]] <- y27;valuesy[["28"]] <- y28
    valuesy[["29"]] <- y29;valuesy[["30"]] <- y30
        if (!is.null(input$tablex)) {  
            temp <- hot_to_r(input$tablex)
            #temp <- input$table
            if (isolate(input$S.Table2) == "2") {      
                valuesx[["2"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "3"  ) {
                valuesx[["3"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "4"  ) {
                valuesx[["4"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "5"  ) {
                valuesx[["5"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "6"  ) {
                valuesx[["6"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "7"  ) {
                valuesx[["7"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "8"  ) {
                valuesx[["8"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "9"  ) {
                valuesx[["9"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "10"  ) {
                valuesx[["10"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "11"  ) {
                valuesx[["11"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "12"  ) {
                valuesx[["12"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "13"  ) {
                valuesx[["13"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "14"  ) {
                values[["14"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "15"  ) {
                valuesx[["15"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "16"  ) {
                valuesx[["16"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "17"  ) {
                valuesx[["17"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "18"  ) {
                valuesx[["18"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "19"  ) {
                valuesx[["19"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "20"  ) {
                valuesx[["20"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "22"  ) {
                valuesx[["22"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "23"  ) {
                valuesx[["23"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "24"  ) {
                valuesx[["24"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "25"  ) {
                valuesx[["25"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "26"  ) {
                valuesx[["26"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "27"  ) {
                valuesx[["27"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "28"  ) {
                valuesx[["28"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "29"  ) {
                valuesx[["29"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "30"  ) {
                valuesx[["30"]] <- temp
    #Permite cambiar entre vectores para la variable x
    TablaD2<- reactive({
        if (input$S.Table2 == "2") {
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["2"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "3"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["3"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "4"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["4"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "5"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["5"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "6"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["6"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "7"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["7"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "8"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["8"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "9"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["9"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "10"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["10"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "11"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["11"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "12"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["12"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "13"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["13"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "14"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["14"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "15"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["15"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "16"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["16"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "17"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["17"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "18"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["18"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "19"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["19"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "19"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["19"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "20"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["20"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "21"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["21"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "22"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["22"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "23"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["23"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "24"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["24"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "25"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["25"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "26"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["26"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "27"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["27"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "28"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["28"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "29"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["29"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "30"){
            TablaD2 <- valuesx[["30"]]
    output$tablex <-renderRHandsontable({
        if(is.null( TablaD2() )){return()}
        rhandsontable( TablaD2() , showToolbar=TRUE , search=TRUE , rowDrag = TRUE,
                       columnDrag = TRUE, rowResize = TRUE, minDimension = c(100, 100))
        if (!is.null(input$tabley)) {  
            temp <- hot_to_r(input$tabley)
            #temp <- input$table
            if (isolate(input$S.Table2) == "2") {      
                valuesy[["2"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "3"  ) {
                valuesy[["3"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "4"  ) {
                valuesy[["4"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "5"  ) {
                valuesy[["5"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "6"  ) {
                valuesy[["6"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "7"  ) {
                valuesy[["7"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "8"  ) {
                valuesy[["8"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "9"  ) {
                valuesy[["9"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "10"  ) {
                valuesy[["10"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "11"  ) {
                valuesy[["11"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "12"  ) {
                valuesy[["12"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "13"  ) {
                valuesy[["13"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "14"  ) {
                valuesy[["14"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "15"  ) {
                valuesy[["15"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "16"  ) {
                valuesy[["16"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "17"  ) {
                valuesy[["17"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "18"  ) {
                valuesy[["18"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "19"  ) {
                valuesy[["19"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "20"  ) {
                valuesy[["20"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "22"  ) {
                valuesy[["22"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "23"  ) {
                valuesy[["23"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "24"  ) {
                valuesy[["24"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "25"  ) {
                valuesy[["25"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "26"  ) {
                valuesy[["26"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "27"  ) {
                valuesy[["27"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "28"  ) {
                valuesy[["28"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "29"  ) {
                valuesy[["29"]] <- temp
            } else if ( isolate(input$S.Table2) == "30"  ) {
                valuesy[["30"]] <- temp
    #Permite cambiar entre vectores para la variable y
    TablaD3<- reactive({
        if (input$S.Table2 == "2") {
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["2"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "3"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["3"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "4"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["4"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "5"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["5"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "6"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["6"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "7"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["7"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "8"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["8"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "9"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["9"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "10"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["10"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "11"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["11"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "12"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["12"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "13"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["13"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "14"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["14"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "15"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["15"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "16"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["16"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "17"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["17"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "18"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["18"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "19"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["19"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "19"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["19"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "20"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["20"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "21"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["21"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "22"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["22"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "23"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["23"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "24"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["24"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "25"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["25"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "26"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["26"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "27"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["27"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "28"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["28"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "29"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["29"]]
        } else if (input$S.Table2 == "30"){
            TablaD3 <- valuesy[["30"]]
    output$tabley <-renderRHandsontable({
        if(is.null( TablaD3() )){return()}
        rhandsontable( TablaD3() , showToolbar=TRUE , search=TRUE , rowDrag = TRUE,
                       columnDrag = TRUE, rowResize = TRUE, minDimension = c(100, 100))
    output$plot_one <- renderPlotly({
            data = TablaD2(),
            x = ~TablaD2()[,1,ncol(TablaD2())],
            y = ~TablaD3()[,1,ncol(TablaD3())],
            type = "bar"
        ) %>% 
            layout(title = "Histogram",
                   xaxis = list(title = ""),
                   yaxis = list(title = "")

# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Thanks for your time and help

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