Shiny unable download report

Hello, Dear R Community I need your help regarding shiny. I am getting error downloading report when app is deployed on shiny and rsconnect. But locally it is working fine. I have attched the log


ui <- fluidPage(    
  titlePanel("Sample SDC Report"),

server <- function(input, output) {
  sdcObj <- createSdcObj(
    keyVars = c('urbrur', 'roof', 'walls', 'water', 'electcon', 'relat', 'sex'),
    numVars = c('expend', 'income', 'savings'), w = 'sampling_weight'
  output$ui_export_report <- renderUI({
                    shiny::downloadButton("myRepDownload", "Save report", = "primary"), align = "center"
  output$myRepDownload <- shiny::downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste0("sdcreport-", Sys.Date(), ".html")
    content = function(file) {
        outdir = tempdir(),
        filename = "tmp",
        title = "SDC-Report",
        internal = TRUE,
        verbose = FALSE
      f_tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "tmp.html")
      file.copy(from = f_tmp, to = file)

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


my assumption would be that sdcMicro::report wants to use interim files, and the default working directory isnt appropriate for that, so maybe using someithng like withr package, with_tempdir() would help.

Thank you @nirgrahamuk, Do you mean changing tempdir() to with_tempdir(), if so I did it and it did not work as well

no. tempdir() is for your output and you would still want that, but you want the working directory to be different (perhaps) so with_tempdir() should wrap your function

with_dir(tempdir(), sdcMicro::report(
        outdir = tempdir(),
        filename = "tmp",
        title = "SDC-Report",
        internal = TRUE,
        verbose = FALSE

Oh, I see your point let me try that, Thank you for your support. I will update you shortly

Unfortunately, It did not solve the problem same issue


I changed server part to this

  output$myRepDownload <- shiny::downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste0("sdcreport-", Sys.Date(), ".html")
    content = function(file) {
      with_dir(tempdir(), sdcMicro::report(
        outdir = tempdir(),
        filename = "tmp",
        title = "SDC-Report",
        internal = TRUE,
        verbose = FALSE
      f_tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "tmp.html")
      file.copy(from = f_tmp, to = file)

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

I suppose the next thing to do is to try and set Knitr options for your project...
and/or raise an issue with the sdcMicro package authors.

Thank you @nirgrahamuk, I will explore it

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