Shinyapps Dashboard never loads right when I first open it

Hi I'm fairly new to this, first post here in the community. I couldn't find any mention of this issue more recent than 2017. Every time I open my dashboard page I get a "Hi you must be new here!" message with a bunch of javascript and an error message saying that my account has been suspended:

Account is suspended until {{ suspended_until | date:'medium' }} due to "{{ currentAccount['suspended_reason'] | lowercase }}".
All of your applications will be unavailable until then, or you can upgrade your account.

The dashboard section also has a bunch of code instead of displaying the values that should be there:



  • {{ numAppsRunning }}[Running]([full URL won't let me post as a new user])
  • {{ numAppsSleeping }}[Sleeping]([full URL won't let me post as a new user])
  • {{ numAppsTerminated }}[Archived]([full URL won't let me post as a new user])

When I reload the page it works just fine, like there is no issue. I have a professional plan and several apps deployed on the website that run without any issue. This isn't a major problem, it's just annoying that I have to reload the page every single time that I open it. Is this a known issue and is there a fix to this?

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