ShinyDevSeries Follow-Up Thread - yonder by Nathan Teetor

Nathan Teetor on yonder

Episode 8 - Recorded Friday December 6, 2-3pm Eastern

We have seen the Shiny community grow immensely with excellent packages built to extend the existing functionality provided by Shiny itself. But what would a re-imagination of Shiny’s user interface and server-side components entail? Nathan’s yonder package is built on Shiny, but gives developers an alternative framework for building applications with R. Eric will talk with Nathan about what shiny developers can learn from this approach and how he’s approached such an ambitious undertaking!

Show Notes

Learn more about yonder - A reactive web framework built on shiny - GitHub - nteetor/yonder: A reactive web framework built on shiny

Learn more about zeallot: Variable assignment with zeal! (or multiple, unpacking, and destructuring assignment in R) - GitHub - r-lib/zeallot: Variable assignment with zeal! (or multiple, unpacking, and destructuring assignment in R)

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github: nteetor (Nate Teetor) · GitHub

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Questions from teh webinare

Question: Hi, thank you for this wonderfull series. Is there any recodrding for this series? Can you please share a link to the recording? Thank you

Yes! Check out We have recordings of all past episodes, and many episodes had follow-ups demos as well.

Also on YouTube,

Question: Some kind of overview of yonder would be really helpful, for example a Shiny app that showcases its capabilities. It's very hard to see from the web site why I would be interested in trying yonder.

Question: Hello there, is it possible to hide "goto set #" link and let boxes reactive by itselfs?

Exploring the {yonder} package for a new take on Shiny applications
Episode 8 - Friday, December 6, 2-3PM EST

We have seen the Shiny community grow immensely with excellent packages built to extend the existing functionality provided by Shiny itself. But what would a re-imagination of Shiny’s user interface and server-side components entail? Nathan’s yonder package is built on Shiny, but gives developers an alternative framework for building applications with R. Eric will talk with Nathan about what shiny developers can learn from this approach and how he’s approached such an ambitious undertaking!


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This is an ongoing challenge for me. The documentation could be better and needs to be better. Specifically, the site needs to include rendered, live examples. To any who have gone ahead and explored {yonder} please, if you can, make any demo applications public on GitHub or another code sharing platform. This will help give me an idea of features to highlight and how to best highlight them. I am, at times, too in the weeds developing yonder and do not fully appreciate what new users will find most useful. If you have tried out yonder and had an "ah ha!" moment, please let me know what and how a feature helped you out. Tracking these features will help me put together vignettes for new users.

(There's an additional hurdle for me. The live site is built with {pkgdown} and yonder's bootstrap 4 styles clash with pkgdown's bootstrap 3 styles. I need to put together a set of new pkgdown templates to better support yonder.)

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This question refers to the stretch feature of yonder's linkInput(), linkInput(. . ., stretch = TRUE). Stretched links allow you to make the link's parent element detect clicks. A click on the parent element will trigger a click on the link input. I would encourage anyone working with stretched links to not hide the original link and its text. The stretched link feature may not be immediately apparent to users new to your application. Keeping the link text provides a visual cue and click target for these users. Frequent users can eventually identify and make full use of the stretched link feature. Remember, as shiny developers we have an obligation to both new and experienced users.

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