Simulate snakes and ladders in R with no librarys

Hello guys,i am begginer at R and i have an assignment to simulate a snakes and ladders game in R.The board has 100 squares. The only winning square is 100, for example if you’re on square 98 and roll a 6 you would go forward 2 spaces to 100 and then bounce back 4 spaces to 96. My difficulty is insterting the snakes/ladders transitions in the complete transition matrix, and coding the winning condition.

Thats my code.

> nplayers<- 2
> SnakesAndLadderS<-
+   function(nplayers)
+   {
+     transitions <- rbind(
+       c(4,25),
+       c(13,46),
+       c(27,5),
+       c(33,49),
+       c(40,3),
+       c(42,63),
+       c(43,18),
+       c(50,69),
+       c(54,31),
+       c(62,81),
+       c(66,45),
+       c(74,92),
+       c(76,58),
+       c(89,53),
+       c(99,41))
+     transmat <- 1:106
+     names(transmat) <- as.character(1:106)
+     transmat[transitions[,1]] <- transitions[,2]
+     lastpos <- 0
+     curpos <- history <- NULL
+     while(all(curpos < 100)) {
+       curpos <- lastpos + sample(1:6, nplayers, repl=TRUE)
+       curpos <- transmat[curpos]
+       if(any(curpos > 100)) curpos[curpos > 100] <- lastpos[curpos > 100]
+       lastpos <- curpos
+       history <- rbind(history, curpos)
+     }
+     history
+   }

Hi - welcome to R. Can you please try your question again by posting the question you have in the body of your post instead of the title? The question is hared to read as-is and makes helping difficult. You can use this post as a guide:

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Thank you very much.