size of shiny application for deployment - out of memory

Hi. I am trying to deploy my first application on I am just trailing this on a free account. The app runs fine on my local machine.

On startup, it loads some data from Excel files, of which the size is less than 20 Mb in total. But during deployment I get the error shown below:

How can I determine whether this error is because of my free account size limitation or something else?

Many thanks!

pryr package has a useful mem_change function you can use to see how much any code impacts your session memory. also profvis / profile that has rstudio integration shows memory consumption I believe.

Thanks for your suggestion @nirgrahamuk

Actually, I was able to solve this issue, even with a free account, by running the command "rsconnect::configureApp("MyAppName", size="xxlarge")"

in my RStudio console. I had to run it only once. Now, when I publish the project from RStudio, it seems to work OK. Still cutting my teeth on this though.

I hope this helps someone else.

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