Specification + recipe + resample + grid + metric + control: I didn't set a workflow object, yet it's telling me that it's not compatible with a workflow

I followed these two guides here:

Below is the reprex with the dataframe generation alongside the libraries. The code is very similar to the guides above, but the errors don't seem to be present in the guides above. I tried two different functions and they are showing the same error.

# For reprex
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:plyr':
#>     arrange, count, desc, failwith, id, mutate, rename, summarise,
#>     summarize
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'tune':
#>   method                   from   
#>   required_pkgs.model_spec parsnip
#> Loading required package: Matrix
#> Attaching package: 'Matrix'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:tidyr':
#>     expand, pack, unpack
#> Loaded glmnet 4.1-1
#> Warning: package 'hardhat' was built under R version 4.1.1
#> Attaching package: 'hardhat'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:tune':
#>     extract_recipe

#> Attaching package: 'lubridate'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     date, intersect, setdiff, union

df = data.frame(yearr = sample(2015:2021, 2000, replace = TRUE),
                monthh = sample(1:12, 2000, replace = TRUE),
                dayy = sample(1:29, 2000, replace = TRUE)) |>
  mutate(datee = ymd(paste(yearr, monthh, dayy)),
         weekk = week(datee),
         quarterr = quarter(datee),
         semesterr = semester(datee),
         doyy = yday(datee),
         y = sample(0:100, 2000, replace = TRUE) + (130 * yearr) + (2 * monthh) + (2 * weekk),
         dummyy = round(sample(0:1, 2000, replace = TRUE))) |>
  filter(!is.na(datee)) |>
  arrange(-desc(datee)) |>
  mutate(ii = row_number())
#> Warning: 4 failed to parse.

folds = df |>
  sliding_period(lookback = Inf, # if Inf, then it's chain
                 period = 'week',
                 index = datee,
                 #assess_stop = 1L, # include how many 'periods' in the future
                 every = 8L, # group how many 'periods' together
                 step = 1L, # how many 'periods' * 'every' to move the window (?)
                 skip = 8L)

time_only = df |>

time_only = do.call('c', time_only)

rec_generic = df |>
  recipe(y ~ .) |>
  step_rm(datee) |>

df_baked = rec_generic |>

rec_iteration = df_baked |> # create new recipe without date variable since step_rm/IDing doesn't work
  recipe(y ~ .) |>

grid_pen_mix = expand_grid(penalty = seq(0, 100, by = 25),
                           mixture = seq(0, 1, by = 0.25))

glmnet_vars = function(x) {
  # `x` will be a workflow object
  mod <- extract_fit_engine(x) #library(hardhat) # https://tune.tidymodels.org/reference/extract-tune.html
  # `df` is the number of model terms for each penalty value
  tibble(penalty = mod$lambda, num_vars = mod$df)

spec_enet = linear_reg(mode = 'regression', penalty = tune(), mixture = tune()) |>

metric = metric_set(rmse)

ctrl <- control_grid(extract = glmnet_vars, verbose = TRUE)

five_star_glmnet = tune_grid(spec_enet,
                             resamples = folds,
                             grid = grid_pen_mix,
                             metrics = metric,
                             control = ctrl) # Where is the workflow?
#> i Slice01: preprocessor 1/1
#> v Slice01: preprocessor 1/1
#> i Slice01: preprocessor 1/1, model 1/5
#> v Slice01: preprocessor 1/1, model 1/5
#> i Slice01: preprocessor 1/1, model 1/5 (predictions)
#> i Slice01: preprocessor 1/1, model 2/5
#> v Slice01: preprocessor 1/1, model 2/5
#> i Slice01: preprocessor 1/1, model 2/5 (predictions)
#> i Slice01: preprocessor 1/1, model 3/5
#> v Slice01: preprocessor 1/1, model 3/5
#> i Slice01: preprocessor 1/1, model 3/5 (predictions)
#> i Slice01: preprocessor 1/1, model 4/5
#> v Slice01: preprocessor 1/1, model 4/5
#> i Slice01: preprocessor 1/1, model 4/5 (predictions)
#> i Slice01: preprocessor 1/1, model 5/5
#> v Slice01: preprocessor 1/1, model 5/5
#> i Slice01: preprocessor 1/1, model 5/5 (predictions)
#> i Slice02: preprocessor 1/1
#> v Slice02: preprocessor 1/1
#> i Slice02: preprocessor 1/1, model 1/5
#> v Slice02: preprocessor 1/1, model 1/5
#> i Slice02: preprocessor 1/1, model 1/5 (predictions)
#> i Slice02: preprocessor 1/1, model 2/5
#> v Slice02: preprocessor 1/1, model 2/5
#> i Slice02: preprocessor 1/1, model 2/5 (predictions)
#> i Slice02: preprocessor 1/1, model 3/5
#> v Slice02: preprocessor 1/1, model 3/5
#> i Slice02: preprocessor 1/1, model 3/5 (predictions)
#> i Slice02: preprocessor 1/1, model 4/5
#> v Slice02: preprocessor 1/1, model 4/5
#> i Slice02: preprocessor 1/1, model 4/5 (predictions)
#> i Slice02: preprocessor 1/1, model 5/5
#> v Slice02: preprocessor 1/1, model 5/5
#> i Slice02: preprocessor 1/1, model 5/5 (predictions)
... [truncated] ...
#> i Slice38: preprocessor 1/1, model 5/5
#> v Slice38: preprocessor 1/1, model 5/5
#> i Slice38: preprocessor 1/1, model 5/5 (predictions)

head(five_star_glmnet[[5]][[1]][[3]], 1)
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "Error in UseMethod(\"extract_fit_engine\") : \n  no applicable method for 'extract_fit_engine' applied to an object of class \"workflow\"\n"
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "try-error"
#> attr(,"condition")
#> <simpleError in UseMethod("extract_fit_engine"): no applicable method for 'extract_fit_engine' applied to an object of class "workflow">


spec_enet = linear_reg(mode = 'regression', penalty = 0.1, mixture = 0.5) |>

preds_enet = spec_enet |>
  fit_resamples(y ~ .,
                resamples = folds,
                control = control_resamples(save_pred = TRUE,
                                            extract = glmnet_vars)) #can't do glmnet_vars to workflow...? Where is the workflow?

#> [[1]]
#> [1] "Error in UseMethod(\"extract_fit_engine\") : \n  no applicable method for 'extract_fit_engine' applied to an object of class \"workflow\"\n"
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "try-error"
#> attr(,"condition")
#> <simpleError in UseMethod("extract_fit_engine"): no applicable method for 'extract_fit_engine' applied to an object of class "workflow">

Created on 2021-09-02 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)

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