Splitting one Excel data frame to multiple data frames

I have one excel sheet that contains two tables separated by two empty rows (NAs) that is similar to this:

x <- c("Speed", "Fuel_level", "OpHours", NA, NA, "Warning", "TempSensor", "TripDistance")
y <- c("kmph", "liter", "hr", NA, NA, "msg", "C", "km")
df <- data.frame(x,y)

Is there a function in R where I can split this data frame on NAs into two data frames to look like this?

             x     y
1        Speed  kmph
2   Fuel_level liter
3      OpHours    hr
             x     y
1     Warning    msg
2   TempSensor     C
3 TripDistance    km

A simple way, but you have to know which rows have the NAs.

x <- c("Speed", "Fuel_level", "OpHours", NA, NA, "Warning", "TempSensor", "TripDistance")
y <- c("kmph", "liter", "hr", NA, NA, "msg", "C", "km")
df <- data.frame(x,y)
slice(df, 1:3)
#>            x     y
#> 1      Speed  kmph
#> 2 Fuel_level liter
#> 3    OpHours    hr
slice(df, 6:8)
#>              x   y
#> 1      Warning msg
#> 2   TempSensor   C
#> 3 TripDistance  km

Created on 2022-06-21 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)


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