Starting julia-1.8 kernel...ERROR

Cannot get Julia (1.8.4) in Quarto file to work with Rstudio Server (RStudio 2022.10.0-daily+67 "Elsbeth Geranium" Daily (00fd1b457c96c2dcf6f7d9e3b30d72d17d1d1d2d, 2022-07-13) for Ubuntu Bionic Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:108.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/108.0) nor with RStudio Workbenck (RStudio 2022.07.2+576.pro12 "Spotted Wakerobin" Release (2a128b1827b6319afce9d2153d08bb8271 ) for Ubuntu Jammy Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:108.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/108.0).

ENV["PYTHON"] = "/usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/python3"
using Pkg

Every time output using the example


quarto render TEST.qmd --execute-debug

  • Connecting to kernel

Starting julia-1.8 kernel...2023-01-16 10:59:35,227 - root - Level 25 - starting notebook server subprocess
2023-01-16 10:59:35,227 - root - Level 25 - starting notebook server subprocess
2023-01-16 10:59:35,379 - root - Level 25 - running notebook server subprocess
2023-01-16 10:59:35,379 - root - Level 25 - creating notebook server (tcp: /run/user/1000/jt/d108deb66bac726aefc9)
2023-01-16 10:59:35,380 - root - Level 25 - notebook server bound to port 40273
2023-01-16 10:59:35,558 - root - Level 25 - handling server request

  • Kernel connection successful
  • Sending execute command to kernel
  • Execute command sent, reading response
    2023-01-16 10:59:35,559 - root - Level 25 - executing notebook
  • Error response received

Kernel died before replying to kernel_info

quarto check jupyter

[✓] Checking Python 3 installation....OK
Version: 3.7.5
Path: /usr/bin/python3
Jupyter: 4.7.1
Kernels: nazym, julia-1.8, python3

[✓] Checking Jupyter engine render....OK

jupyter kernelspec list

Available kernels:
julia-1.8 /home/analitik/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/julia-1.8
nazym /home/analitik/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/nazym
python3 /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/python3`

Trying to change the path to ENV["PYTHON"] = "usr/bin/python3" (Version 3.7.5) gave nothing. But this Julia code in the Rmd file runs without errors (with {JuliaCall} package).

This might shed some light—possible write permission issue or need to set longer timeout.

It seems to me that there is a different reason related to Julia version 1.8.4 - Cannot render preview with Julia Kernel · Issue #2539 · quarto-dev/quarto-cli · GitHub.

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Head spinning. Person with two watches never knows what time it is, I guess.

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