Sum previous observations with parameters

this is ambigious, do you mean that you ran it as provided and received errors ?
or that you tried to 'adapt it' to your data, and had difficulty with that ?

r<- sum_nextx(DF.NS$Lunenburg,.5)

ok, I think theres been confusion on my end as to whether the exponent was meant to be a fixed param, or an integer count of the element. this would only be a minor change

sum_nextx <- function(xvec){

  results <- vector(length=length(xvec))
  for (index in  seq_along(results)) {
    y <-  xvec[index] + y * (1/2) ^ index
    results[index] <- y
    cat(index, "\t", round(y,5),"\n")

Good morning @nirgrahamuk,

I Thank you for your time and energy,
We are almost done!

We are very close to what I Expected, there is something that has to be quite clear.

I presented you two ways to make the operation.

  1. In the first one (you will need row_number i as exponent stuck to 1/2):
    Y_1= X_1
    Y_2=X_2+ (1/2)^1 X_1
    Y_3=X_3 + (1/2)^1
    X_2 +(1/2)^2 * X_1
    Y_4=X_4 + (1/2)^1 X_3 + (1/2)^2 X_2 + (1/2)^3 * X_1

  2. In the Second one, We don't need Exponent, but ONLY 1/2 as coefficient.
    Y_1 =X_1
    Y_2= X_2 + (1/2) Y_1
    Y_3= X_3+ (1/2)
    Y_4=X_4+ (1/2)* Y_3
    Y_5= X_5+ (1/2)* Y_4
    . .
    . .
    . .
    . .
    . .
    . .
    Y_366=X_366+ (1/2)*Y_365

And I think you chose the second way. in this case, we only have to consider the value of X and add the Half of Y on it without exponent. ONLY THAT.
look Y_1 =X_1
Y_2= X_2 + (1/2) *Y_1

We only consider the last value of Y and we take the half of it which will be summed with the current value of X.

sorry if this message seems too long, i tried to be a very clearer. We are almost done.

so then the second way omits the exponent...

   y <-  xvec[index] + y * (1/2)  # not needed : ^ index

Mathematically, they both are same

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