Summarising column keeping other information

Good morning
I have a data frame similar to this one

tibble(year = c(rep(2012, 5), rep(2013, 5)),
month = c("April", "April", "June", "June", "July", "April", "April", "April", "August", "August"),
sampler_type = c("A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B"),
city = c("city_1", "city_1","city_2","city_2","city_3","city_1","city_1","city_2","city_3","city_3"),
var_1 = c(0,0,0,0,150, 325, 523,335, 25, 36),
var_2 = c(122, 12, 654, 321, 321, 0, 0, 0, 0,0),
var_3 = c(0, 0, 0, 321, 154, 214, 214, 0, 0, 0),
var_4 = c(123, 245, 21, 0, 124, 321, 0, 231, 214, 0),
var_5 = c(213, 142, 0, 0, 132, 31, 54, 35, 54, 23))

I would like to summarise data by summing up the rows which have the same month, from the same place and same year, also keeping the info about the "sampler_type" variable.

Thanks for the help


t1 <- tibble(year = c(rep(2012, 5), rep(2013, 5)),
       month = c("April", "April", "June", "June", "July", "April", "April", "April", "August", "August"),
       sampler_type = c("A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B"),
       city = c("city_1", "city_1","city_2","city_2","city_3","city_1","city_1","city_2","city_3","city_3"),
       var_1 = c(0,0,0,0,150, 325, 523,335, 25, 36),
       var_2 = c(122, 12, 654, 321, 321, 0, 0, 0, 0,0),
       var_3 = c(0, 0, 0, 321, 154, 214, 214, 0, 0, 0),
       var_4 = c(123, 245, 21, 0, 124, 321, 0, 231, 214, 0),
       var_5 = c(213, 142, 0, 0, 132, 31, 54, 35, 54, 23))

         year,month,sampler_type,city) %>% summarise_all(sum)

I found 'keeping the info about the sample_type' ambigious, I interpreted it to mean its just another thing to group by.

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Thanks for your answer.
I tried your code on the database I'm working on but R takes a lot of time to process the operation without giving any result. It is a table with more than 12000 columns and more than 1000 rows.
I've tried the same code on a subset of 10 rows and it worked.
I uploaded the file with the fread () function from data.table package but I'm not able to compute this operation...

Is there a way to speed up this operation?

I'd be suprised if the fastest way wasnt to query it on the database directly.
You can try dbplyr for that
or like you said, learn the data.table syntax and summarise with that.

As an inbetween dtplyr lets you write dplyr code and get data.table performance.

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

t1 <- tibble(year = c(rep(2012, 5), rep(2013, 5)),
             month = c("April", "April", "June", "June", "July", "April", "April", "April", "August", "August"),
             sampler_type = c("A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B"),
             city = c("city_1", "city_1","city_2","city_2","city_3","city_1","city_1","city_2","city_3","city_3"),
             var_1 = c(0,0,0,0,150, 325, 523,335, 25, 36),
             var_2 = c(122, 12, 654, 321, 321, 0, 0, 0, 0,0),
             var_3 = c(0, 0, 0, 321, 154, 214, 214, 0, 0, 0),
             var_4 = c(123, 245, 21, 0, 124, 321, 0, 231, 214, 0),
             var_5 = c(213, 142, 0, 0, 132, 31, 54, 35, 54, 23))

lazy_dt(t1) %>% group_by(year,month,sampler_type,city) %>% summarise_all(sum)
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I've tried the new code and R was able to compute the operation.
Thank you so much for the help.

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