SVG Input - Shiny Contest Submission

SVG Input

Authors: Jiddu Alexander

Abstract: Create Shiny inputs from your SVG images in 3 easy steps.

1: Upload your SVG
2: Set Shiny input values using the highlight tool
3: Download the R function script, JS-Shiny binding and the optional sample app

Also see the example gallery.

Full Description: Create Shiny inputs from your SVG images in 3 easy steps.

1: Upload your SVG
2: Set Shiny input values using the highlight tool
3: Download the R function script, JS-Shiny binding and the optional sample app

Also see the example gallery with the Iris, mtcars and Titanic datasets.

Keywords: svg, UI, tool, developer
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - JidduAlexander/svgInput
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


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