Table() function for ETS required and errors Alpha,Beta,Gamma.


I have the code showing me the Alpha, Beta and Gamma (ABG) as output.
It calculates the ABG for the whole time series in table sales (excel file)

Smoothing parameters:
alpha: 0.3636345
beta : 0.2096302
gamma: 0.4300818

Problem: I can't seem to get the right code to show a moving alpha ,beta and gamma in a table. I need to see a moving alpha ,beta and gamma calculated over every 24 past observations.

I know that the Holtwinters or ETS show a fitted model with one ABG for the whole times series.But I need to see table like the below. Anyone who knows the code for that? Ans advise me on the errors i get. I am kinda stuck until i have that table...

Example how I envision that table:

Day Sales α accurate δ accurate γ accurate expected α expected δ expected γ Forecast sales MSE

Febr 3

March 8 0.142208382 0.094449719 0.235930509 4 4.999062106

April 1 0.142208382 0.094449719 0.235930509 0.069173091 0.10798745 0.209918475 2 0.193212972

May 3 0.069173091 0.10798745 0.209918475 0.069173091 0.10798745 0.209918475 3 1.473636406

Jun 5 0.069173091 0.10798745 0.209918475 0.145309691 0.125029156 0.15381477 4 4.509703765

July 8 0.145309691 0.125029156 0.15381477 0.145309691 0.125029156 0.15381477 5 7.978798308

Aug 3 0.145309691 0.125029156 0.15381477 0.116138478 0.113240008 0.130951664 6 13.46953186

Sept 7 0.116138478 0.113240008 0.130951664 0.120159054 0.107930279 0.132951374 4 6.430041868

Oct 5 0.120159054 0.107930279 0.132951374

Next to this , when I run my code , I get the following errors:

#error 1

Error: Objects of type HoltWinters not supported by autolayer.

#error 2

sales1 <- sqrt(salesLogHW$dispersion)

Error in sqrt(salesLogHW$dispersion) :

non-numeric argument to mathematical function

dnorm(7, mean = coef(m1), sd = sdest)

Error in coef(m1) : object 'm1' not found

#Error 3

ets(x = salesLog)

Error in class(y) %in% c("data.frame", "list", "matrix", "mts") :

argument "y" is missing, with no default

Error 4

Classes‘tbl_df’,‘tbl’ and 'data.frame': 341 obs. of 2 variables:

Error: unexpected input in "Classes‘"

$ month: Date, format: "1982-06-12" "1982-06-19" ...

Error: unexpected '' in " "

$ sales: num 14237 4520 55691 28295 23648 ...

Error: unexpected '' in ""

  • attr(*, "spec")=

Error: unexpected '' in "- attr("

.. cols(

Error: unexpected symbol in " .. cols"

.. month = col_date(format = ""),

Error: unexpected symbol in " .. month"

.. sales = col_double()

Error: unexpected symbol in " .. sales"

.. )

Error: unexpected ')' in " .. )"

options(repr.plot.width = 6, repr.plot.height = 3)

ggplot(sales, aes(x = month, y = sales)) + geom_line() + geom_smooth(method = 'lm') +labs(x = "Time", y = "Monthly Sales")

Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : object 'month' not found

Current Code looks like this:

load needed packages






import data

sales <- read_csv("E:\Forecast calcs\R Studio\Library R\Sales")

explore data


cx <- c(0, cumsum(ifelse(, 0, x)))

cn <- c(0, cumsum(ifelse(, 0, 1)))

rx <- cx[(2+1):length(cx)] - cx[1:(length(cx) - 2)]

rn <- cn[(2+1):length(cx)] - cn[1:(length(cx) - 2)]

rsum <- rx / rn

head(sales, n = 5)

Classes‘tbl_df’,‘tbl’ and 'data.frame': 341 obs. of 2 variables:

$ month: Date, format: "1982-06-12" "1982-06-19" ...

$ sales: num 14237 4520 55691 28295 23648 ...

  • attr(*, "spec")=

.. cols(

.. month = col_date(format = ""),

.. sales = col_double()

.. )

options(repr.plot.width = 6, repr.plot.height = 3)

ggplot(sales, aes(x = month, y = sales)) + geom_line() + geom_smooth(method = 'lm') +labs(x = "Time", y = "Monthly Sales")

salesTS <- ts(sales$sales, frequency = 4, start = c(1982,1))



options(repr.plot.width = 6, repr.plot.height = 5)

salesDecomp <- decompose(salesTS)


logging transform time series data

salesLog <- log(salesTS)

salesLogHW <- ets(salesLog)


ets(x = salesLog)

sales1 <- sqrt(salesLogHW$dispersion)

dnorm(7, mean = coef(m1), sd = sdest)

salesLogHW <- HoltWinters(salesLog)


HoltWinters(x = salesLog)

options(repr.plot.width = 6, repr.plot.height = 4)


forecast next year's sales

nextYearSales <- forecast(salesLogHW, h=4)




An extract from my excel file :

Month sales
january 30
february 64
march 98
april 60
may 50
june 30
july 20
august 25
september 24
october 49
november 52
december 21
january 51
february 51
march 21
april 30
may 64
june 98
july 60
august 50
september 30
october 20
november 25
december 24
january 49
february 52
march 21
april 51
may 51
june 21
july 30
august 64
september 98
october 60
november 50
december 30
january 20
february 25
march 24
april 49
may 52
june 21
july 51
august 51
september 21
october 30
november 64
december 98
january 60
february 50
march 30
april 20
may 25
june 24
july 49
august 52
september 21
october 51
november 51
december 21
january 30
february 64
march 98
april 60
may 50
june 30
july 20
august 25
september 24
october 49
november 52
december 21
january 51
february 51
march 21
april 30
may 64
june 98
july 60
august 50
september 30
october 20
november 25
december 24
january 49
february 52
march 21
april 51
may 51

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