"the function mle failed to estimate the parameters with the error code 100"

I am working with the R programming language.

Suppose I have the following data:

 [1]  3631  1681   188  1065   733   643  2001   714   180  5147  2541  1048   643  1356   270  4396   358  4025  2004  1879  2342  4138   616  3161  4904  4320   215
 [28]    79  5431  6551    97   889  6009   992  1487   336   840   612   769   680  5840   603  2581  4087  2241   129  2366  3856   980  1315  1050  7002    36   511
 [55]   529   534  3037  1123  3889  4611  2577  3953   517   774   923   295  3152   524   714  5135  2529  1561  6105  4305  3633  1164  1663   791    11   225   940
 [82]   172  4936   348  3410  3205  6827  3846  1809  6580    61   892  4525   523   595  3594  2245   999   343   856   106  1513   224   324  6725   323  2221  6455
[109]  3955  3580   532   775  3022  3049  1086   613  2866  4799   158   869  2510   149  1809  2772  5474  1096  5668   381  2428   428   308   932  1868   490 10163
[136]    12   671  1676   536  1940   686  1590  5749  1257  1389  3209   562  2504   129  1617  4058   521  2541    57 10747  1795   566  3290   372  5624  1229   252
[163]   257  1971   707  8036  2934   466   378   675  1551  2320   248  2871  4747  2987  6555   369   378   443   397  7653  1471   174   764   585   291   703   440
[190]  1808    83  3346  2384  2693    52   678  1320  7359  5367  1527  5789   300   101  1749  4265  4095  2134   326   326  1266   424   379  2275   206  1740  1593
[217]  1448  7488  1862  4304   436  2609   929  1583   325  5153   371   572   884   422 10905  2406  1873  4371    75   150  1538  1617  7756   630   691   200  1000
[244]   964   693   444    59  2059  1130  1276  1847   367  1533   875  2434   495  2087  1777  3709   335   156   280  2528  2401  1978   511  4999  2568  1398  2637
[271]  1668  2077  2993    69  3699  1667  2584  1915   679  4078  3014   555  2690    69   930  1026   324   991   973   566   459  2338   509   785   467   355  3186
[298]  5202  1122  5077  4945  1973  3029   377  4871  5481   284   801   444  1196   661    25   318  1137  1317  2841   143  1139  1662  1012    88  1764  1203  3618
[325]   713  8657  1274  2255    96   784  1687    62  1211   952   125  3260   879   430  3096   499   699  2395  1704  5818  2754  2012  6724  2891   959  1730   962
[352]   182   210  6051   902  3759  2211   206  1408  1472   883   773  2479   529  2932  1421  2111  1829   847  2761  1060  1805  1348  2049  2507   809   502  5877
[379]  1621  2254  1329  2752  1657   167   526   616   198  1648  1329  1643   360  1028   923  2819  1856  4562  2547  2517  6200  1704    10  1838   333  1643  1561
[406]   985  2763  4939  3116   855  1405   891  4503   210  4406  4836    33    97  4957  2202  1709  6048   123  1193 13006   271   781  2005  2970   352  1600  1862
[433]  2945  5234   502  2943  1666   167  4473   468   795  3175  1114     6   579    42   995  2705  1929   594   809   572   871   470   802   773  7028   430   139
[460]   215  1328   117  1324  1451  1455   157  1347  1049  2391   301  1587   602  1197   199  4400  1883  1971  1849  8050  7730  2527  4066  4443    54   838    16
[487]   584   261   579   729   226   292  1367  1608   749  1351  3710  2219   369   628

I placed the above data into a data frame called "d" and called the variable containing the data as "df". I want to try and fit several probability distributions to this data:


 fg <- fitdist(d$df, "gamma")
 fln <- fitdist(d$df, "lnorm")
fg <- fitdist(d$df, "gamma")
 fw <- fitdist(d$df, "weibull")

 par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
 plot.legend <- c("Weibull", "lognormal", "gamma")

a <- denscomp(list(fw, fln, fg), legendtext = plot.legend, plotstyle = "ggplot")
b <- qqcomp(list(fw, fln, fg), legendtext = plot.legend, plotstyle = "ggplot")
c <- cdfcomp(list(fw, fln, fg), legendtext = plot.legend, plotstyle = "ggplot")
d <- ppcomp(list(fw, fln, fg), legendtext = plot.legend, plotstyle = "ggplot")


But this returns the following errors:

<simpleError in optim(par = vstart, fn = fnobj, fix.arg = fix.arg, obs = data,     gr = gradient, ddistnam = ddistname, hessian = TRUE, method = meth,     lower = lower, upper = upper, ...): non-finite finite-difference value [2]>
Error in fitdist(d$df, "gamma") : 
  the function mle failed to estimate the parameters, 
                with the error code 100

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? Can someone please show me how to fix this error?


A google search on your error message gave me among others this entry .
If you expect an answer based on your data, then provide your data in a way that is easy to copy in our own R environment. See whats-a-reproducible-example-reprex-and-how-do-i-do-one

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