the size of emoji is too small

title: "squirrel"
output: html_document

There is `r emo::ji("squirrel")`, 
but it is too small, 
how to enlarge this squirrel?

You can use pandoc inline attributes to attach a class to your text and create a span, that you can style using css

title: "squirrel"
output: html_document

```{css, echo = FALSE}
.big {
  font-size: 150%

There is [`r emo::ji("squirrel")`]{.big}, 

You can also do it with inline attributes directly and not passing by a class but that could be difficult to deal with. using CSS is better.

title: "squirrel"
output: html_document

There is [`r emo::ji("squirrel")`]{style="font-size: 2em;"}

This use the bracketed span feature of pandoc


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