Things are missing from my plot

Hello again, this time I'm working with RStudio on a sort of climate change project.

I'm following a Riffomona's Project YouTube tutorial, and I'm doing exactly the same steps:

  1. downloading the dataset from the web he downloaded it
  2. the only different thing is: downloading a different dataset from his -(he downloaded a Global dataset, while I downloaded a Southern Hemisphere dataset). So that's the only different thing.

And I'm with this issue of things missing in my plot (I think it's an error, probably mine), because when I use the dataset he used and replicate his steps, I get no error at all.

So I think it's a slight difference in my dataset that's causing this? I get no line in the plot, (geom_line, geom_point)… it's like there are a few things missing from my plot, While nothing is missing when I use his dataset following the exact steps.

1- My Rscript and how it looks: (and my plot)

2- How the plot should look:

Also, notice my plot (Pic NΒ°1), has this weird label on the X axis, which is like overwritten, or all dirty all over the years on top of the the X axis. I tried to get rid of those, but the things I googled didn't work so far (yet).

My dataset of the Southern Hemisphere:

The tutorial's Global dataset:

Thanks once again, this is the best RStudio forum I've found online <3

From the error message, it looks like Year is not reading in.


What do you get if you do glimpse() right after reading in the csv?
read_csv('C:/Users/...') %>% glimpse()

Hello Scotty, this is what I get after adding glimpse() and running it:

It is harder for others to help you if we can't work on the same code and with the same data as you, that is why I keep asking you for a reprex (which BTW is the polite way of asking for help on any coding-related forum).

I'm going to make a reprex for your issue so you can better comprehend the value of reproducible code to ease communication, I have found a similar file, although, it seems is not the exact same one you are working with. If you can provide something similar, we can help you with the specific problem you are having.


file_url <- ""

read_csv(file_url, skip = 1, na = "***") %>% 
    select(year = Year, t_diff = DJF) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(year, t_diff)) + 
    geom_line(color = "gray", size = 0.5) +
    geom_point(fill = "white", color = "gray", shape = 21) +
    geom_smooth(se = FALSE, color = "black", size = 1) +
#> Rows: 143 Columns: 19
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: ","
#> dbl (19): Year, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, ...
#> β„Ή Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#> β„Ή Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
#> `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula 'y ~ x'
#> Warning: Removed 1 rows containing non-finite values (stat_smooth).
#> Warning: Removed 1 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).
#> Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

Created on 2022-10-03 with reprex v2.0.2

1 Like

Hello Andres, I'll do my best:

My code:


# reading the CSV 
         skip = 1, na = "*******") +
  select(year = Year, t_diff = DJF) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = t_diff)) +
  geom_line(color = "gray", size=0.5, span = 0.25) + 
  geom_point(fill="white", color="gray", shape=21) +
  geom_smooth(show_col_types = FALSE, se=FALSE, color="black", size=1) + 

The dataset:

S.Hemi Temperature Anomalies (deg C) AIRS v6 vs. 2007-2016
2002,*******,*******,*******,*******,*******,*******,*******,*******,  0.104,  0.019, -0.198, -0.013,*******,*******,*******,*******,*******, -0.025
2003,  0.163,  0.248,  0.107,  0.031, -0.136, -0.007, -0.116, -0.181, -0.074, -0.232,  0.427,  0.075,  0.026,  0.018,  0.133,  0.001, -0.101,  0.040
2004,  0.161,  0.101, -0.035, -0.049, -0.418, -0.029, -0.418, -0.267, -0.168, -0.103, -0.054,  0.097, -0.099, -0.100,  0.112, -0.168, -0.238, -0.108
2005,  0.145,  0.138,  0.164,  0.045, -0.061,  0.064, -0.021, -0.059, -0.149,  0.020, -0.107,  0.107,  0.024,  0.023,  0.127,  0.049, -0.005, -0.079
2006,  0.136,  0.114,  0.030, -0.056, -0.319,  0.048, -0.129, -0.019, -0.261, -0.230, -0.122, -0.148, -0.080, -0.059,  0.119, -0.115, -0.033, -0.205
2007,  0.018,  0.037, -0.001,  0.037,  0.047,  0.076,  0.035, -0.147, -0.273, -0.236, -0.202, -0.299, -0.076, -0.063, -0.031,  0.028, -0.012, -0.237
2008, -0.212, -0.316, -0.177, -0.083, -0.147, -0.209,  0.004, -0.180,  0.003, -0.151, -0.177, -0.016, -0.138, -0.162, -0.276, -0.136, -0.128, -0.108
2009,  0.008,  0.009,  0.047, -0.123,  0.134,  0.094,  0.185,  0.064, -0.093, -0.030,  0.109,  0.130,  0.044,  0.032,  0.000,  0.019,  0.114, -0.005
2010,  0.121,  0.260,  0.176,  0.013, -0.143, -0.113, -0.280, -0.195, -0.033, -0.093, -0.131, -0.123, -0.045, -0.024,  0.170,  0.015, -0.196, -0.086
2011, -0.108, -0.154, -0.187,  0.036, -0.143,  0.003,  0.235,  0.171, -0.098, -0.193, -0.147, -0.204, -0.066, -0.059, -0.128, -0.098,  0.137, -0.146
2012, -0.134, -0.038, -0.065, -0.040,  0.005, -0.088, -0.205, -0.020, -0.066,  0.112,  0.071,  0.046, -0.035, -0.056, -0.125, -0.034, -0.105,  0.039
2013,  0.113,  0.043, -0.015, -0.012, -0.118,  0.117, -0.129,  0.027,  0.240,  0.026,  0.023,  0.075,  0.033,  0.030,  0.068, -0.048,  0.005,  0.097
2014,  0.001, -0.161, -0.058,  0.003,  0.148, -0.043, -0.076, -0.026,  0.198,  0.110,  0.071,  0.043,  0.017,  0.020, -0.028,  0.031, -0.049,  0.126
2015,  0.047,  0.112,  0.028, -0.116, -0.063,  0.007, -0.068,  0.016,  0.022,  0.169,  0.082,  0.218,  0.038,  0.023,  0.068, -0.050, -0.015,  0.091
2016,  0.147,  0.208,  0.252,  0.286,  0.280,  0.156,  0.300,  0.291,  0.099,  0.287,  0.301,  0.129,  0.228,  0.235,  0.191,  0.273,  0.249,  0.229
2017,  0.161,  0.255,  0.258,  0.134,  0.306,  0.170,  0.217,  0.106,  0.087,  0.236,  0.046, -0.013,  0.164,  0.175,  0.182,  0.233,  0.164,  0.123
2018,  0.101,  0.010,  0.118,  0.278,  0.059,  0.166,  0.099,  0.062, -0.009,  0.085,  0.065,  0.204,  0.103,  0.085,  0.033,  0.152,  0.109,  0.047
2019,  0.209,  0.281,  0.285,  0.292,  0.222,  0.302,  0.406,  0.233,  0.188,  0.340,  0.315,  0.378,  0.288,  0.273,  0.231,  0.266,  0.314,  0.281
2020,  0.250,  0.060,  0.047,  0.288,  0.198,  0.275,  0.288,  0.018,  0.188, -0.030,  0.114, -0.121,  0.131,  0.173,  0.229,  0.177,  0.193,  0.091
2021, -0.059, -0.129, -0.030, -0.001, -0.005,  0.020,  0.200,  0.072,  0.106, -0.210, -0.195,  0.058, -0.014, -0.029, -0.103, -0.012,  0.097, -0.100
2022,  0.063,  0.032,  0.137, -0.180, -0.057,  0.097,  0.004, -0.204,*******,*******,*******,*******,*******,*******,  0.051, -0.033, -0.034,*******
S.Hemi Temperature Anomalies (deg C) AIRS v7 vs. 2007-2016
2002,*******,*******,*******,*******,*******,*******,*******,*******,  0.316,  0.219,  0.080,  0.170,*******,*******,*******,*******,*******,  0.205
2003,  0.234,  0.269,  0.197,  0.244,  0.131,  0.189,  0.080, -0.011,  0.087, -0.075,  0.606,  0.247,  0.183,  0.177,  0.224,  0.191,  0.086,  0.206
2004,  0.269,  0.145,  0.061,  0.123, -0.287,  0.118, -0.353, -0.214, -0.011,  0.047,  0.082,  0.190,  0.014,  0.019,  0.220, -0.034, -0.150,  0.039
2005,  0.234,  0.208,  0.221,  0.181,  0.071,  0.162,  0.044,  0.035, -0.067,  0.108, -0.066,  0.126,  0.105,  0.110,  0.210,  0.158,  0.080, -0.008
2006,  0.151,  0.118,  0.063,  0.006, -0.219,  0.092, -0.073,  0.025, -0.208, -0.120, -0.043, -0.103, -0.026, -0.007,  0.132, -0.050,  0.015, -0.124
2007,  0.036,  0.049, -0.018,  0.079,  0.126,  0.131,  0.064, -0.115, -0.174, -0.200, -0.184, -0.296, -0.042, -0.026, -0.006,  0.062,  0.027, -0.186
2008, -0.224, -0.325, -0.195, -0.064, -0.141, -0.223,  0.086, -0.136, -0.007, -0.141, -0.148, -0.033, -0.129, -0.151, -0.282, -0.134, -0.091, -0.099
2009,  0.023, -0.033,  0.289, -0.080,  0.134,  0.128,  0.255,  0.073, -0.090, -0.025,  0.133,  0.084,  0.074,  0.065, -0.014,  0.114,  0.152,  0.006
2010,  0.121,  0.218,  0.145,  0.033, -0.082, -0.061, -0.277, -0.171, -0.033, -0.109, -0.145, -0.116, -0.040, -0.023,  0.141,  0.032, -0.170, -0.096
2011, -0.065, -0.125, -0.218,  0.036, -0.109,  0.028,  0.243,  0.151, -0.078, -0.165, -0.147, -0.217, -0.056, -0.047, -0.102, -0.097,  0.141, -0.130
2012, -0.221, -0.055, -0.093, -0.038,  0.032, -0.045, -0.204, -0.007, -0.099,  0.104, -0.001,  0.026, -0.050, -0.070, -0.164, -0.033, -0.086,  0.001
2013,  0.083,  0.024, -0.040,  0.008, -0.128,  0.144, -0.169,  0.005,  0.236, -0.016, -0.019,  0.044,  0.014,  0.013,  0.045, -0.053, -0.007,  0.067
2014, -0.001, -0.185, -0.065,  0.003,  0.144, -0.009, -0.071,  0.034,  0.201,  0.125,  0.061,  0.032,  0.023,  0.024, -0.047,  0.027, -0.015,  0.129
2015,  0.042,  0.154,  0.003, -0.156, -0.108, -0.101, -0.140, -0.044, -0.008,  0.175,  0.157,  0.291,  0.022,  0.001,  0.076, -0.087, -0.095,  0.108
2016,  0.205,  0.277,  0.191,  0.180,  0.132,  0.008,  0.213,  0.211,  0.053,  0.251,  0.294,  0.183,  0.183,  0.192,  0.258,  0.167,  0.144,  0.199
2017,  0.224,  0.267,  0.227,  0.066,  0.218, -0.005,  0.108,  0.017,  0.071,  0.142, -0.001, -0.010,  0.110,  0.127,  0.225,  0.170,  0.040,  0.071
2018,  0.112,  0.017,  0.067,  0.205,  0.021,  0.049, -0.003, -0.040, -0.064,  0.021,  0.037,  0.213,  0.053,  0.034,  0.040,  0.098,  0.002, -0.002
2019,  0.235,  0.341,  0.272,  0.190,  0.051,  0.072,  0.193,  0.149,  0.075,  0.249,  0.300,  0.348,  0.206,  0.195,  0.263,  0.171,  0.138,  0.208
2020,  0.249,  0.126,  0.050,  0.225,  0.110,  0.163,  0.148, -0.066,  0.174,  0.002,  0.159, -0.141,  0.100,  0.141,  0.241,  0.128,  0.082,  0.112
2021, -0.104, -0.141, -0.060, -0.060, -0.069, -0.097,  0.148,  0.079,  0.178,  0.018, -0.017,  0.228,  0.009, -0.022, -0.128, -0.063,  0.043,  0.060
2022,  0.226,  0.234,  0.241, -0.244,  0.096,  0.173,  0.124, -0.100,*******,*******,*******,*******,*******,*******,  0.229,  0.031,  0.066,*******
S.Hemi Temperature Anomalies (deg C) GHCNv4/ERSSTv5 vs. 2007-2016
2002,  0.006, -0.052,  0.127,  0.166,  0.190, -0.134,  0.022, -0.098,  0.024, -0.032, -0.163, -0.057, -0.000,  0.000, -0.033,  0.161, -0.070, -0.057
2003,  0.055,  0.125,  0.007,  0.004, -0.081, -0.095, -0.061, -0.181, -0.148, -0.110, -0.153, -0.000, -0.053, -0.058,  0.041, -0.023, -0.112, -0.137
2004, -0.016,  0.048, -0.122,  0.030, -0.364, -0.104, -0.510, -0.246, -0.203, -0.068, -0.085,  0.056, -0.132, -0.137,  0.010, -0.152, -0.287, -0.119
2005,  0.029,  0.005,  0.018, -0.078, -0.095, -0.008, -0.059, -0.095, -0.092, -0.026, -0.145,  0.011, -0.045, -0.041,  0.030, -0.052, -0.054, -0.088
2006, -0.044,  0.023, -0.044, -0.149, -0.390, -0.009, -0.159,  0.124, -0.135, -0.146, -0.025, -0.090, -0.087, -0.079, -0.003, -0.194, -0.015, -0.102
2007,  0.066,  0.023, -0.026, -0.045,  0.070,  0.061,  0.003, -0.145, -0.085, -0.236, -0.199, -0.290, -0.067, -0.050, -0.000, -0.000, -0.027, -0.173
2008, -0.243, -0.310, -0.178, -0.068, -0.201, -0.152,  0.056, -0.286,  0.036, -0.099, -0.143, -0.088, -0.140, -0.156, -0.281, -0.149, -0.127, -0.068
2009, -0.049, -0.121, -0.039,  0.027,  0.056,  0.104,  0.255,  0.032, -0.019, -0.071,  0.191,  0.174,  0.045,  0.023, -0.086,  0.015,  0.130,  0.033
2010,  0.178,  0.253,  0.223,  0.069, -0.012,  0.006, -0.172, -0.139, -0.058, -0.066, -0.134, -0.117,  0.003,  0.027,  0.202,  0.094, -0.102, -0.086
2011, -0.085, -0.083, -0.099, -0.037, -0.179, -0.017,  0.147,  0.168, -0.221, -0.172, -0.048, -0.196, -0.068, -0.062, -0.095, -0.105,  0.100, -0.147
2012, -0.219, -0.082, -0.081, -0.114,  0.008, -0.159, -0.223, -0.069, -0.043,  0.096,  0.038,  0.094, -0.063, -0.087, -0.166, -0.062, -0.150,  0.031
2013,  0.050, -0.020,  0.011, -0.092, -0.149,  0.102, -0.034,  0.034,  0.226, -0.026, -0.009,  0.038,  0.011,  0.016,  0.041, -0.076,  0.034,  0.064
2014,  0.023, -0.099, -0.160,  0.019,  0.237,  0.020, -0.142,  0.133,  0.298,  0.103, -0.031, -0.050,  0.029,  0.037, -0.012,  0.032,  0.004,  0.123
2015,  0.006,  0.132,  0.061,  0.004, -0.032,  0.060,  0.004, -0.024, -0.096,  0.313,  0.179,  0.267,  0.073,  0.046,  0.029,  0.011,  0.013,  0.132
2016,  0.272,  0.307,  0.289,  0.236,  0.200, -0.027,  0.106,  0.297, -0.037,  0.157,  0.156,  0.169,  0.177,  0.185,  0.282,  0.242,  0.125,  0.092
2017,  0.137,  0.268,  0.280,  0.196,  0.314,  0.002,  0.128,  0.112, -0.082,  0.170, -0.018, -0.043,  0.122,  0.140,  0.192,  0.263,  0.081,  0.023
2018, -0.029, -0.036,  0.080,  0.323,  0.052,  0.180,  0.210,  0.051,  0.018,  0.216,  0.121,  0.220,  0.117,  0.095, -0.036,  0.152,  0.147,  0.118
2019,  0.145,  0.290,  0.272,  0.289,  0.134,  0.113,  0.318,  0.194,  0.021,  0.138,  0.229,  0.260,  0.200,  0.197,  0.218,  0.231,  0.208,  0.129
2020,  0.227,  0.295,  0.156,  0.366,  0.171,  0.198,  0.160,  0.008,  0.155, -0.026,  0.039, -0.125,  0.135,  0.167,  0.261,  0.231,  0.122,  0.056
2021, -0.159, -0.161,  0.043, -0.112, -0.056, -0.036,  0.229, -0.009,  0.172,  0.098,  0.001,  0.047,  0.005, -0.009, -0.148, -0.042,  0.062,  0.090
2022,  0.045,  0.127,  0.143,  0.085,  0.078,  0.208,  0.275,  0.110,*******,*******,*******,*******,*******,*******,  0.073,  0.102,  0.198,*******

The outcome of my code:

Can you provide the link you are using to download the file instead? The way you are sharing your data is not copy/paste friendly, which means it requires extra effort to parse and even then, there is no guarantee we are going to end up with the exact same data as you.

1 Like

Sure! This is the link:

That link is the same one I used in the example I gave you and the content is a little different than what you are posting, maybe you have the wrong file? You could simply download the file again or use my code instead

Well that just solved the problem. But I don't understand why my code won't run, if the only difference is in the dataset… was my code wrong? :thinking:
I ask because as a beginner I want to understand the reason and not only find the solution. Thank you for helping Andres, I hope you have a great week

Because the data has a different structure, the data you were posting very likely would need more cleaning to work, so, different code needs to be applied to it.

Looking back at the original screenshot, it appears the error was due to "skip = 2".

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