This tidyselect interface doesn't support predicates yet.

df_lag2 <- left_join(, df.pre %>% select(customer_id, month, kwh_lag), by = c("customer_id", "month"), copy=F)

It says:
Error: This tidyselect interface doesn't support predicates yet. :information_source: Contact the package author and suggest using eval_select().

What does this mean? How should I do?

If you're just attempting to join the two data frames, your call to left_join should look something like this:

df_lag2 <- %>% 
  left_join(df.pre, by = c("customer_id", "month"), copy = FALSE) %>%
  select(customer_id, month, kwh_lag)

It's hard to say for sure without seeing the data. If this doesn't solve your issue, maybe you could post a reprex?

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