Three Questions: Dynamic Label creation from DT (datatable) and...

Three Questions:

[1, 2] Dynamic Label creation from DT (data table) and how to fix the height of the text display?
Screenshot: image

[3] How to set focus and "click" first row of the data table so it causes the text box to populate?
Shiny app URL:

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

server.R Code:

    output$x4 = renderPrint({
        s = input$x3_rows_selected
        company <- csvBase[input$x3_rows_selected, 1]
        address <- csvBase[input$x3_rows_selected, 2]
        city <- csvBase[input$x3_rows_selected, 3]
        state <- csvBase[input$x3_rows_selected, 4]
        zip <- csvBase[input$x3_rows_selected, 5]
        phone <- csvBase[input$x3_rows_selected, 6]
        domain <- csvBase[input$x3_rows_selected, 7]
        #image <- csvBase[input$x3_rows_selected, 8]
        confirm <- csvBase[input$x3_rows_selected, 8]
    if (length(s)) {
        cat('COMPANY  : ', company, '\n')
        cat('ADDRESS  : ', address, '\n')
        cat('CITY     : ', city, '\n')
        cat('STATE    : ', state, '\n')
        cat('ZIP CODE : ', zip, '\n')
        cat('PHONE #  : ', phone, '\n')
        cat('DOMAIN   : ', domain, '\n')
       # cat('IMAGE    : ', image, '\n')
        cat('CONFIRMED: ', confirm)

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