Tidymodels: Plotting Predicted vs True Values using the functions collect_predictions() and ggplot() in R

Hi Max.

Firstly, I would like to thank you for sending me the tutorial regarding 'Get started with sections of tidymodels'. That was a really good read, and it really helped. I am literally just starting out and this provided clarity.

I have read thoroughly online to solve my warning message regarding the tuning of my bagged tree model using the function tune_grid():

#Warning message

  ! Fold02: internal: A correlation computation is required, but `estimate` is constant and has 0 sta...
  ! Fold07: internal: A correlation computation is required, but `estimate` is constant and has 0 sta...
  ! Fold10: internal: A correlation computation is required, but `estimate` is constant and has 0 sta...

One of your explanations for this warning message in this post:

It happens when your model produces a single predicted value. R2 needs the variance (which is then zero) and produces an NA value.

There is not much mention online for this warning message, but I also found post 1, and post 2, where you and your colleague Davis Vaughan suggest that you silently return zero back into the model.

Could I please ask:

Why is this warning message occurring when I am attempting to tune the hyperparameters on my bagged model?
Do you have any suggestions about how to fix the warning issue?
Would I need to silently replace the zero for the tuning of my model?

Here's the question and reproducible code regarding tuning my bagged model using the function tune_grid().

               ##Tune the bagged model
               bag_res <- tune_grid(
                                   wflow_bag %>% update_model(tune_spec_bag),
                                   grid = bag_grid,
                                   metrics=metric_set(rmse, rsq),
                                   control = control_resamples(save_pred = TRUE)

Results from collect_predictions()

      ##Produce the prediction metrics for the tuned models
      bag_predictions<-bag_res %>%

      id     .pred  .row tree_depth Frequency_Blue .config
      <chr>  <dbl> <int>      <int>          <dbl> <chr>  
    1 Fold01 34.1      1          1             36 Model01
    2 Fold01 10.1      5          1              5 Model01
    3 Fold01 34.1     14          1             41 Model01
    4 Fold01 35.3      1          2             36 Model02
    5 Fold01  9.51     5          2              5 Model02
    6 Fold01 34.3     14          2             41 Model02
    7 Fold01 39.7      1          4             36 Model03
    8 Fold01  9.02     5          4              5 Model03
    9 Fold01 36.7     14          4             41 Model03
   10 Fold01 42.3      1          5             36 Model04
   # … with 260 more rows

If you are able to help me advance further and to understand this warning message better, I would like to express my deepest appreciation.

Many thanks in advance if you can help.