Tidymodels workflow prediction

I am new to machine learning, modelling, etc. and this is my first post. Apologies in advance for any newbie errors.

I was playing around with the Kaggle Titanic dataset to practice fitting models using tidymodels. The code is attached below. I would add the csv data files but cant figure out if I can/how to do it with this interface.

The problem: the test file (the one that would be used to submit the results to Kaggle that I called titanic_predict in the script) contains 418 records. When I run the script from start to end, the Xgboost workflow produces the expected 418 predictions. KNN, on the other hand, returns 417.

I tried everything that I can think of (including a PC restart :smile:) to figure out what is happening and why and am at a complete loss. Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas? I am going a bit crazy trying to figure this out.

Thank you in advance.



titanic <- read_csv("data/Titanic/train.csv")
titanic_predict <- read_csv("data/Titanic/test.csv")

#Split Data

titanic_split <- initial_split(titanic, strata = Survived)
titanic_train <- training(titanic_split)
titanic_test <- testing(titanic_split)

titanic_folds <- vfold_cv(titanic_train, strata = Survived)

#Pre Process

titanic_rec <- 
     recipe(Survived ~ ., data = titanic_train) %>% 
     step_rm(PassengerId) %>% 
                    impute_with = imp_vars(all_numeric())) %>% 
     step_mutate(Survived = factor(Survived), skip = TRUE) %>% 
                    neighbors = tune(id = "recipe_neighbors"), 
                    impute_with = imp_vars(all_numeric())) %>% 
          Cabin = case_when(
               is.na(Cabin) ~ "No Cabin",
               TRUE ~ "Cabin"
     ) %>% 
     step_mutate(Cabin = factor(Cabin)) %>% 
     step_rm(Name) %>% 
     step_mutate(Ticket = str_length(Ticket)) %>% 
     step_mutate(Ticket = factor(Ticket)) %>% 
     step_other(Ticket, threshold = tune()) %>% 
     step_mutate(Child = if_else(Age < 13, "Child", "Not Child")) %>% 
     step_mutate(Child = factor(Child)) %>% 
     step_rm(SibSp, Parch) %>% 
     step_mutate(Pclass = factor(Pclass)) %>% 
     step_log(all_numeric(), offset = 1) %>% 
     step_normalize(all_numeric()) %>% 
     step_dummy(all_predictors(), -Age, -Fare)

#KNN Workflow

knn_model <- 
     nearest_neighbor() %>% 
     set_engine("kknn") %>% 
     set_mode("classification") %>% 
     set_args(neighbors = tune(),
              weight_func = tune(),
              dist_power = tune())

knn_wf <- 
     workflow() %>% 
     add_model(knn_model) %>% 

knn_tune_params <- 

knn_grid <- 
     knn_tune_params %>% 
     grid_max_entropy(size = 15)

knn_res <- 
     knn_wf %>% 
     tune_grid(resamples = titanic_folds,
               grid = knn_grid,
               control = control_grid(
                    save_pred = TRUE,
                    verbose = TRUE

knn_final_params <- 
     knn_res %>% 

knn_final_wf <- 
     knn_wf %>% 

knn_final_model <- 
     knn_final_wf %>% 

knn_final_fit <- 
     knn_final_wf %>% 

knn_predict <- 
knn_final_fit %>% 

#Xgboost Workflow 

xgb_model <- 
     boost_tree() %>% 
     set_engine("xgboost") %>% 
     set_mode("classification") %>% 
     set_args(tree_depth = tune(),
              trees = 500,
              mtry = tune(),
              min_n = tune(),
              loss_reduction = tune(),
              sample_size = tune())

xgb_wf <- 
     workflow() %>% 
     add_model(xgb_model) %>% 

xgb_tune_params <- 
     parameters(xgb_wf) %>% 
     update(mtry = finalize(mtry(), titanic_train))

xgb_grid <- 
     xgb_tune_params %>% 
     grid_max_entropy(size = 15)

xgb_res <-
     xgb_wf %>%
     tune_grid(resamples = titanic_folds,
               grid = xgb_grid,
               control = control_grid(
                    save_pred = TRUE,
                    verbose = TRUE
xgb_final_params <- 
     xgb_res %>% 

xgb_final_wf <- 
     xgb_wf %>% 

xgb_final_model <- 
     xgb_final_wf %>% 

xgb_final_fit <- 
     xgb_final_wf %>% 

xgb_predict <- 
xgb_final_fit %>% 

In the test data set, Fare has exactly 1 missing value. Could it be related to differences in how XGboost and KNN handle missing values?

My sanity may return shortly. Thank you. Much appreciated.

Heh, heh. You're welcome!

In case it might be helpful, here is how I checked missing values on all columns:


titanic_test %>% summarise(across(everything(), ~sum(is.na(.))))
  PassengerId Pclass  Name   Sex   Age SibSp Parch Ticket  Fare Cabin Embarked
        <int>  <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>  <int> <int> <int>    <int>
1           0      0     0     0    86     0     0      0     1   327        0

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