Tidyverse Installation Problems


This is Khush and I just started learning R today and I am from a completely non-tech background. I wanted to install tidyverse package but the same error keeps cropping up again and again.

** testing if installed package can be loaded
*** arch - i386
Error : .onAttach failed in attachNamespace() for 'tidyverse', details:
call: NULL
error: object 'col_align' is not exported by 'namespace:crayon'
Error: loading failed
Execution halted
*** arch - x64
Error : .onAttach failed in attachNamespace() for 'tidyverse', details:
call: NULL
error: object 'col_align' is not exported by 'namespace:crayon'
Error: loading failed
Execution halted
ERROR: loading failed for 'i386', 'x64'

What does this mean? What can I do about it?

Hi @Khush,

Could you include the code that's leading to the error message as well? Are you using:


or are you installing from GitHub (totally ignore this half of the sentence if you don't know what that means :wink:)!

Could you also let us know what version of R and RStudio and operating system you're using?

I made a little guide for finding these things in the least technical ways possible (at least on a Mac) here:

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Also, try updating the crayon package, which you may have an old version of -- it added the col_align function 6 months ago.

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Hey @mara,

It's the install.packages("tidyverse") command!

I am using the 3.3.1 version on Windows 7.

And looking at the guide to figure out stuff right now.

Thanks! :smiley:

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Umm, how do I do that? :see_no_evil:

install.packages("crayon") should do the trick. You can also use the "Update" button on the packages pane in RStudio:


I JUST finished doing that. Everything worked smoothly after that. Thanksss! :smiley:

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Ooh—that's a super helpful tipper I should add to the mousey methods (or something that has a real title, and not just one that fetishizes alliteration!)

It's easy to forget how helpful GUI features are once you've been at things for a while!

Glad you're locked and loaded @Khush! Plus, crayons :crayon:!!

This just came up on Twitter, so I'll pass the solution on to them :slight_smile:

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