Time Series using dygraph() code works as script but error when in flexdashboard


I have a data frame with invoice information, I basically grouped it by Invoice Date and applied a few filters saving rev_ts.

rev_ts <- df_comb %>% filter(
  `status` == "INV"
) %>% distinct(`controlno`,`sufix`,.keep_all = TRUE) %>%
            funs(year, month, day)) %>%
  rename("Act.Inv.Year" = `year`,
         "Act.Inv.Month" = `month`,
         "Act.Inv.Day" = `day`
  ) %>%
    `Act.Inv.Year` != "1900",
    `Act.Inv.Year` != "2180"
  ) %>%
  group_by(`ActualInvDate`) %>% 
  summarise("Tot.Billed.Amt" = sum(`billedamt`))

The resulting data frame is something like:

# A tibble: 636 x 2
   ActualInvDate Tot.Billed.Amt
   <date>                 <dbl>
 1 2018-02-20             2315.
 2 2018-02-22              825.
 3 2018-02-23              710.
 4 2018-02-26             1032 
 5 2018-02-27             2519.
 6 2018-03-01             5709.
 7 2018-03-06             3457.
 8 2018-03-09             2380.
 9 2018-03-19             2515.
10 2018-03-23             1399.
# ... with 626 more rows

Following the information I found: https://www.r-graph-gallery.com/316-possible-inputs-for-the-dygraphs-library.html

# Create xts file:
rev_ts_xts <- xts(x = rev_ts$Tot.Billed.Amt, order.by = rev_ts$ActualInvDate)

# Save plot:
p <- dygraph(rev_ts_xts, main = "Total Billed Amount:") %>% 
  dySeries("V1", label = "$") %>%
  dyLegend(show = "follow") %>% dyRangeSelector()

And I get the desired plot:

But when I try to have this incorporated into my flexdashboard Rmarkdown script, I can't knit the file any longer and get the following issue:

Remove anything related to generate the Time Series, I get my flexdashboard back working.

Any insight would be helpful since I have no idea how to troubleshoot this.


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