Tracking Fedex Data

I am using package "xml2' and "rvest" to do data scarping for FedEx tracking data, however it seems i have some issue, here is the example

link <- ""
w <- read_html(link)
table <- w %>% html_nodes("table") 

The table results a list of 0

The same logic i apply to do data scarping for UPS tracking data and it works just fine

link <- ""
w <- read_html(link)
table <- w %>% html_nodes("table") 

This table results a list of 9

I don't know where are the problems, can anyone please help me to solve this?

Hi, from your description I would say the problem is not with R, but with how Fedex is doing things vs how UPS are doing it.

As a suggestion, take a look at RSelenium package. It might be helpful in your case.

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