Transmission Error and Session Crashes

Hi there,

I'm taking a class that's using the Rstudio cloud and we're having similar problems. We've tried increasing the space on the cloud which hasn't changed the situation. We are frequently receiving two errors in pop-up alerts:

"The previous R session was abnormally terminated due to an unexpected crash. You may have lost workspace data as a result of this crash"

"Error occurred during transmission"

The page often reloads. Sometimes the environment gets cleared, sometimes not, and I can't figure out what determines the clearing of the environment. I've tried adjusting the following settings in the global options:

Turned off-- "Restore .RData into workspace at startup"
-- "Save workspace to .Rdata on exit:" -- Selected "Never"
Turned off-- "Always save history (even when not saving .RData)"

Changing these settings hasn't worked. Here are the URLs for the various projects I'm working on:

Any help regarding these errors would be much appreciated! Thanks!

Hi @Tyler_Moulton!

Thanks for letting us know about this, and your patience while get you fixed up! We've taken a look at both projects from our side and believe we have made the required changes for the projects to function properly again. Could you take a look and let us know if you are still having trouble accessing these projects?


Hi @stevenolen

Thanks for getting on this so quickly. I'm still getting an error running the following code:


# Error occurs when the following is implemented #
                            baseOnly = TRUE,
                            as.prob = TRUE)

where seqnames is from the GenomeInfoDb package from BioCondoctor. Whenever I run that code, I get the pop-up error:

"The previous R session was abnormally terminated due to an unexpected crash. You may have lost workspace data as a result of this crash"

This is by far the most predictable error we've come across.

Thanks again!

Hi @Tyler_Moulton,

I see some out of memory exit codes in your IDE logs for project 1803429 that might be causing your crashes on that project. Try increasing the ram on that project?

I am not seeing out of memory exit codes on project 1788550. I am going to talk to other team members about that and investigate further.

-Joshua C. Forest

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