Trouble converting nested XML to dataframe using xml2

Good afternoon,

This nested XML is giving me a hard time.:

 <TEST_TYPE NAME="Test, no warmup, Mar 13, 2019 Build 006">
   <DATE>2021:8:10 11:22:40 (GMT-05:00)</DATE>
    <BOARDTEMP LABEL="Board Temp:">58.042717</BOARDTEMP>
    <LASERX LABEL="Laser X:">5.539117</LASERX>
    <LASERY LABEL="Laser Y:">5.370719</LASERY>
    <LASERR LABEL="Laser R:">4.868718</LASERR>
   <SPECTRUM NAME="Resolution Half Small" INDEX="1">
    <TEST NAME="Loc 2176" HI="2176.334" LO="2176.234"> <RESULT>2176.794</RESULT> </TEST>
    <TEST NAME="Width 2176" HI="0.60" LO=""> <RESULT>0.386</RESULT> </TEST>
    <TEST NAME="Loc 2179" HI="2179.822" LO="2179.722"> <RESULT>2179.254</RESULT> </TEST>
    <TEST NAME="Width 2179" HI="0.60" LO=""> <RESULT>0.354</RESULT> </TEST>
   <SPECTRUM NAME="Resolution Half Small" INDEX="2">
    <TEST NAME="Loc 2176" HI="2176.334" LO="2176.234"> <RESULT>2176.794</RESULT> </TEST>
    <TEST NAME="Width 2176" HI="0.60" LO=""> <RESULT>0.386</RESULT> </TEST>
    <TEST NAME="Loc 2179" HI="2179.822" LO="2179.722"> <RESULT>2179.254</RESULT> </TEST>
    <TEST NAME="Width 2179" HI="0.60" LO=""> <RESULT>0.354</RESULT> </TEST>
   <SPECTRUM NAME="Wavelength Precision Half Small" INDEX="1">
    <TEST NAME="STD 2176" HI="0.0010" LO=""> <RESULT>0.11426</RESULT> </TEST>
    <TEST NAME="STD 2179" HI="0.0010" LO=""> <RESULT>0.42696</RESULT> </TEST>
    <TEST NAME="Min 2176" HI="" LO=""> <RESULT>2176.71582</RESULT> </TEST>
    <TEST NAME="Max 2176" HI="" LO=""> <RESULT>2177.05127</RESULT> </TEST>
   <SPECTRUM NAME="Spectrometer Zero" INDEX="1">
    <TEST NAME="Zero 3025" HI="0.50" LO="-0.50"> <RESULT>-0.076</RESULT> </TEST>
    <TEST NAME="Zero 2920" HI="0.50" LO="-0.50"> <RESULT>-0.083</RESULT> </TEST>
   <ROWCOMMENT> 2021_08_12 16_00 BDN2110033 15 35 </ROWCOMMENT>

I can pull out each piece, but for each of the 14 child nodes (TEST) I need the 4 parents (SPECTRUM) and also other "elder relatives" of size 1 (LASERX, BOARDTEMP, DATE, etc) to be repeated on the corresponding 14 lines of the table.

I'm using this code to pull out the data:

  group <- xml_find_all(xml_file, ".//SPECTRUM")
  group_name <- xml_attr(group, "NAME")
  group_idx <- xml_attr(group, "INDEX")
  test <- xml_find_all(group, ".//TEST")
  test_name <- xml_attr(test, "NAME")
  test_hi <- xml_attr(test, "HI")
  test_low <- xml_attr(test, "LO")
  test_value <- xml_text(test, "RESULT")
  df <- data.frame(test_name, test_hi, test_low, test_value)

  output$uiTable <- renderTable( df )

But the TEST data is size 14 and the SPECTRUM (group) data is size 4, so if I pull it out in this manner I lose the relationship between spectrum and the test nodes they encompass.

Excel knows exactly what I want to do with the XML:

How do I get my code to do something similar, where parents and "elder relatives" are repeated in the table for the TEST nodes they encompass?

Also, this will get huge -- I'll open dozens of XML documents like this one and merge into a single dataframe. Is xml_find_all() a good choice from a performance standpoint, considering the nodepaths of each document will always be similar?

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