Trouble knitting on RStudio Cloud

I am having trouble knitting a simple .Rmd document on (it works fine on my local installation).

title: "Test 1"
output: pdf_document

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

```{r cars}

When I try to knit the above to pdf, I get the following error message:
! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ─ (U+2500)
(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX.

Error: Failed to compile test1.tex.

Hi @nmoon,

Thanks for your post, the code and error messages are helpful! With what you've provided here, I can reproduce this on Cloud too. What operating system are you using locally? I think you might be running into some aspect of this:

Have a look at that there and see if it helps (there are a couple of suggestions in there). If I change your second chunk to this:

```{r cars, message=FALSE}

I can knit the Rmd to a PDF on Cloud without trouble.


I'm using Windows 10 locally, and I'm using tidyverse version 1.3.0 both locally and on RStudio Cloud.

Yes, I can knit to pdf with include=FALSE (or message=FALSE), but am puzzled as to why this is necessary as it wasn't an issue until now

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