Trying to Load Real Time data using POST API

I am trying to load a POST Realtime API but unable to unlist it beacuse of Array. Can someone help me unlist. I am pretty new to R currently.

Using Below Code but getting error in Array:

request_body <- data.frame(

  • DivisionId = c(10),
  • PrimoId = c(73413),
  • Ename = c("IRK_DRILLING"),
  • Sname = c("RATE_OF_PENETRATION"),
  • StartDepth = c(0),
  • EndDepth = c(3000),
  • SidetrackNum = c(-1)
  • )

request_body_json <- toJSON(request_body, auto_unbox = TRUE)
url <- "http://gngapi.********.com/RealtimeService/api/RT/GetBulkDepthData"
result <- POST(url,

  •            body = request_body_json,
  •            add_headers(.headers = c("Content-Type"="application/json")))

resultRaw <- content(result, as="text")
dt <- fromJSON(resultRaw)
jtxt <- unlist(dt,recursive=TRUE,
dt2 <- fromJSON(jtxt)
Error: parse error: trailing garbage
(right here) ------^

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