Unable to access a specific project in RStudio Cloud

Hi, not sure if this is the place for this, but I didn't see any other route to help:

A project I created a few months back in RStudio Cloud is getting stuck on the "Opening Project" window. Copies of this project created by students are also inaccessible. It's not the end of the world if things are unrecoverable, but I thought I'd at least see if there might be an easy fix.



This is definitely the place to ask for help for this kind of issues, you just have to wait a little bit for RStudio people to weigh in, and they will take a look into this. In the meanwhile have you tried with the relaunch button?


Thanks for the tip - I hadn't noticed that in the menus. Sadly, it didn't help. But I'll keep it in mind for future use!

I'm sorry to hear about your experience with the project. Can you please try the following:

  1. Log out and back in to rstudio.cloud. Sometimes browser cache some data that prevents loading of projects correctly.
  2. If logging out does not help, please try using a different browser, or using private/incognito mode with the same browser. For chrome, here's how to use incognito: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95464?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en


Thanks for the reply. It did finally resolve itself a few days later, for whatever reason.

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