Unable to Connect to Database - "Unable to connect: Adaptive Server is unavailable or does not exist"

Hi all,

We have several Shiny apps which were working normally until yesterday evening and were not updated since. This morning they cannot connect to the (Azure) database.

In the shinyapps application log I see...
[unixODBC][FreeTDS][SQL Server]Unable to connect: Adaptive Server is unavailable or does not exist

The apps run locally and the database is accessible, it's only an issue on shinyapps.io.
Anyone else experiencing this today or familiar with the issue?




See this related issue: Error publishing to shinyapps.io


Seeing the same issue. It is not resolved by adding the updated IP addresses to the firewall as has been suggested in the status page update.

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Please refer to status.RStudio.com,

And the thread at Error publishing to shinyapps.io