Unable to use cpp files in shiny

Hi everyone I'm trying to deploy a shiny app that has a few of the codes written in C++ which works fine normally but when I'm adding the same code and sourcing them using


while running the code it is considering the function as an object and giving error as:
object 'reduce_genes_cpp' not found.

Kindly advice me on what I'm doing wrong here.


To help us help you, could you please prepare a reproducible example (reprex) illustrating your issue? Please have a look at this guide, to see how to create one:

Hi thanks for the reply.
Since I'm new to this and need solution as soon ass possible I will be sharing a demo app and linking the R code of publically available repo.





  pbmc.data <- Read10X(data.dir = "../data/pbmc3k/filtered_gene_bc_matrices/hg19/")
   x <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = pbmc.data , min.cells = 3, min.features = 200,project = "scRNAseq")
    pb<<- as.SingleCellExperiment(x)
    pb<<-RankGenes(pb, ngenes_keep = 1000)


        .tabs-above > .nav > li[class=active] > a {
           background-color: #000;
           color: #FFFF;
  actionButton("dropclust1","One-Click Analysis",style="color: #fff; background-color: #337ab7; border-color: #2e6da4",icon = icon("paper-plane")),
  withLoader( plotOutput("dropclust"))


FilterCells <- function(object, min_count=3, ql_th = 0.001, qh_th = 1) {

  try(if(qh_th < ql_th) stop("Lower limit must be smaller than upper limit."))

  if (is(object, "SingleCellExperiment")) {
    cS <- Matrix::colSums(SingleCellExperiment::counts(object)>=min_count)

  } else {
    cS <- Matrix::colSums(object>=min_count)
  l1 = stats::quantile(cS,probs = ql_th)
  l2 = stats::quantile(cS,probs = qh_th)
  keep_cells = intersect(which(cS>=l1), which(cS<=l2))

  cat(length(cS)-length(keep_cells), "bad cells removed.\n")

  return(object[, keep_cells])

#' Filter out poor quality genes
#' Genes (rows) with count greater than \code{min_count} and not expressed in atleast \code{min_cell} cells are removed.
#' @param object the SingleCellExperiment  to filter genes
#' @param min_count integer threshold for expression count
#' @param min_cell integer threshold for number of cells expressing a particular gene
#' @return SingleCellExperiment object with the bad genes removed
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(SingleCellExperiment)
#' counts <- matrix(rpois(100, lambda = 10), ncol=10, nrow=10)
#' object <- SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(counts = counts))
#' FilterGenes(object)
FilterGenes <- function(object, min_count=2, min_cell=3) {

  mat = SingleCellExperiment::counts(object)

  rS <- Matrix::rowSums(mat > min_count)

  keep_genes = which(rS > min_cell)

  cat(length(rS)-length(keep_genes), "genes filtered out,", length(keep_genes),"genes remaining.\n")

  # object@metadata[["dropClust"]] = c(unlist(object@metadata[["dropClust"]]), "FilterGenes")

  return(object[keep_genes, ])


  if(is.null(rowData(object)$HVG) || is.null(colData(object)$Sampling)){
    stop("SingleCellExperiment object does not contain high variable genes or Sampling() is not called prior.")

  subsamples = SingleCellExperiment::colData(object)$Sampling
  hvg_genes = SingleCellExperiment::rowData(object)$HVG

  mat = Log2Normalize(normcounts(object)[hvg_genes,subsamples], return.sparse = F)

  mat = t(mat)
  cat("Find best PCA components...")

  # mat = assay(object,i = "logcounts")[rowData(object)$HVG, colData(object)$Sampling]
  nc = 50
  PRR <- irlba::prcomp_irlba(mat, nc)
  S = c()
  for(i in 1:nc)
    K = PRR$x[,i]

    # if(prev){
    #   # L = mclust::Mclust(K)
    #   # S = c(S,L$G)
    #   peaks= NbClust::NbClust(K, distance = "euclidean",
    #                  min.nc = 2, max.nc = 10,
    #                  method = "kmeans", index ="ball")$Best.nc[1]
    # }
    # else{
    #   peaks = all_peaks(K)
    # }

    peaks = all_peaks(K)
    S = c(S,peaks)
    # cat(i,"\t")
  # graphics::barplot(S)

  df<-as.data.frame(cbind("MOD" = S,
                          "VAR" = apply(PRR$x[,1:nc],2, stats::var)))
  #gene_pca <-abs(PRR$v[,which(S>=3)])
  best_components = utils::head(with(df, order(-MOD, -VAR)), 10)
  gene_pca <-abs(PRR$rotation[,best_components])
  gene_max<-apply(gene_pca, 1, max)
  rank_gene <- order(gene_max, decreasing=TRUE)

  top_pc_genes = utils::head(rank_gene,top)

  # gene.ids = which(rowData(object)$HVG==TRUE)
  SummarizedExperiment::rowData(object)$PCAGenes <- rep(FALSE, nrow(object))
  SummarizedExperiment::rowData(object)$PCAGenes[which(hvg_genes==T)[top_pc_genes]] <- TRUE
  cat(top,"genes selected.\n")

  object@metadata[["dropClust"]] = c(unlist(object@metadata[["dropClust"]]), "RankPCAGenes")


all_peaks <- function(x) {
  den.fit <- stats::density(x, kernel=c("gaussian"))
  den.spline <- stats::smooth.spline(den.fit$x, den.fit$y,
                                     all.knots=TRUE, spar = 0.5)
  d1 <- stats::predict(den.spline, den.spline$x, deriv=1)
  peak.count <- length(rle(den.sign <- sign(d1$y))$values)/2
  if (is.na(peak.count) == TRUE) { peak.count <- 0 }

Cpp file

#include <cmath>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

using namespace Rcpp;
using namespace std;

Eigen::VectorXd ColDispersion_sp(Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> mat){
  int nrows = mat.rows();

  Eigen::VectorXd dispersion(mat.cols());

  for (int i=0; i<mat.outerSize(); ++i){

    double mean = 0;
    double var = 0;
    int counter = 0;

    for (Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>::InnerIterator iter(mat,i); iter; ++iter){
      mean += iter.value();

    mean = mean / nrows;
    for (Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>::InnerIterator iter(mat,i); iter; ++iter){
      var += pow(iter.value() - mean, 2);
      counter += 1;
    var = (var + (nrows - counter) * pow(mean, 2)) / (nrows - 1);
    dispersion[i] = var/mean;


Eigen::VectorXd ColDispersion_dense(Eigen::MatrixXd mat){
  int nrows = mat.rows();

  Eigen::VectorXd dispersion(mat.cols());

  for (int i=0; i<mat.outerSize(); ++i){

    double mean = 0;
    double var = 0;
    int counter = 0;

    for (Eigen::MatrixXd::InnerIterator iter(mat,i); iter; ++iter){
      mean += iter.value();

    mean = mean / nrows;
    for (Eigen::MatrixXd::InnerIterator iter(mat,i); iter; ++iter){
      var += pow(iter.value() - mean, 2);
      counter += 1;
    var = (var + (nrows - counter) * pow(mean, 2)) / (nrows - 1);
    dispersion[i] = var/mean;


Eigen::VectorXd ColDispersion(SEXP mat) {
  if (Rf_isS4(mat)) {
    if(Rf_inherits(mat, "dgCMatrix")) {
      return ColDispersion_sp(as<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>>(mat)) ;
    } ;
    stop("unsupported matrix class.") ;
  } else {
    return ColDispersion_dense(as<Eigen::MatrixXd>(mat)) ;

inline int check_close(double v1, double v2, double close_thresh) {
  if(v1 > v2){
    swap(v1, v2);
  if(abs(v1) < 0.001){
    return 0;

  if((v2 - v1)/v1 < close_thresh){
    return 1;
  } else {
    return 0;

int too_close_total(NumericVector & gval1, NumericVector & gval2, double close_thresh) {
  int n = gval1.length();

  int result = 0;
  for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
    result += check_close(gval1(i), gval2(i), close_thresh);
  return result;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
RcppExport SEXP reduce_genes_cpp(List & l) {
  NumericMatrix mat = as<NumericMatrix>(l["matrix"]);
  double close_thresh = as<double>(l["close_threshold"]);
  double cells_thresh = as<double>(l["cells_threshold"]);
  double nreduce = as<int>(l["nreduce"]);
  int ncells = mat.nrow();
  int ngenes = mat.ncol();

  set<pair<int, int> > check_pairs;

  for(int i = 0; i < ncells; i ++) {
    vector<pair<double, int> > temp_vec;
    for(int j = 0; j < ngenes; j ++) {
      temp_vec.push_back(make_pair(mat(i, j), j));
    sort(temp_vec.begin(), temp_vec.end());
    for(int j = 1; j < ngenes; j ++) {
      check_pairs.insert(make_pair(min(temp_vec[j - 1].second, temp_vec[j].second), max(temp_vec[j - 1].second, temp_vec[j].second)));

  int total_removed = 0;
  vector<int> removed_genes(ngenes, 0);
  for(pair<int, int> pa : check_pairs) {
    int gene1 = pa.first, gene2 = pa.second;
    if(!removed_genes[gene1] and !removed_genes[gene2]) {
      NumericVector col1 = mat(_, gene1), col2 = mat(_, gene2);
      if(too_close_total(col1, col2, close_thresh) > cells_thresh * ncells) {
        removed_genes[gene1] = 1;
        total_removed ++;
    if(total_removed >= nreduce) break;
  NumericVector ret(removed_genes.begin(), removed_genes.end());
  return ret;

it's the reproducible code from a new member of the community hopefully you will be able to decode this.