Unnesting JSON using R


The above is nested json.

I want the output to be as below

Any help in r?


How would you like to 'unlist' this? as a data frame?
JSON is different from a data frame in that it can store lists of varying length or subdivisions, which you can't simply convert to a table format. For example: categoryOptionCombos.name is a sublist of 3 values, so for every dataElements.name,dataElements.id you would have 3 values of categoryOptionCombos.name. Of course you can repeat the values higher in the list to force it into table format, but I don't know if that's what you want?


For example: categoryOptionCombos.name is a sublist of 3 values, so for every dataElements.name,dataElements.id you would have 3 values of categoryOptionCombos.name. Of course you can repeat the values higher in the list to force it into table format, but I don't know if that's what you want?

That is what I want, the repeatitions.

Try this function jsonlite::fromJSON from the jsonlite package

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