Unusually long load times after upgrading RStudio Connect

After upgrading to RStudio Connect version 2022.09.0 , several apps (using flexdashboard) are showing extremely long load times. Looking at the logs, the large delay seems to come before the Rmd file begins processing. Running locally, no such delays are seen. I tried updating the existing document, as well as publishing to a new id, but still have the same results with a nearly 20 minute gap before the document starts processing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Example log is below.

2022/10/04 15:11:14.104347030 Starting R with process ID: '32069'
2022/10/04 15:11:14.161040111 Shiny R Markdown document starting ...
2022/10/04 15:11:14.271495954
2022/10/04 15:11:14.271515600 Listening on
2022/10/04 15:11:19.577309065
2022/10/04 15:34:43.952400246 Warning in png(..., res = dpi, units = "in") :
2022/10/04 15:34:43.952411019 unable to open connection to X11 display ''
2022/10/04 15:34:44.302626498
2022/10/04 15:34:44.302638371
2022/10/04 15:34:44.302703644 processing file: Jobs_Database.Rmd

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Howdy @rburr ! Apologies for missing your message here! Is this still an issue for you?

It sounds to me like the job queue may be full? We have been doing some work on improving the visibility of the job queue - still much more to come there!