Update link to the correct article for RStudio Connect boards on https://rstudio.github.io/pins/articles/boards-understanding.html

@javierluraschi - could you please update the link at the end in this paragraph:

RStudio Connect

RStudio Connect is a publishing platform for the work your teams create in R and Python. You can share Shiny applications, R Markdown reports, Plumber APIs, dashboards, plots, Jupyter Notebooks, and more in one convenient place. RStudio Connect can be used to store private datasets and is only limited by the physical storage capacity configured in your server, learn to configure RStudio Connect in the RStudio Connect Board article.

It currently directs to the article about Kaggle boards. Thanks

Hi @valeri - thanks for catching that! I've submitted a pull request to fix the link: https://github.com/rstudio/pins/pull/100

Pins is an open source package, so if you see things like this in the future, feel free to submit your own fixes or open issues on the repository itself. We hope to see you contributing there soon.


Thanks - didn't think to post an issue on Github, much better place for that kind of stuff :slight_smile:

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