Use my polygons as cluster for markers

hi, i'm in trouble with clustering marker..

I placed markers on my map, grouped in clusters with clusterOptions().

Now, I have delimited my "region" zones into polygons, and I would have liked to have my markers grouped into these polygons instead of the automatic clusters.

I can't do it, do you have a solution? (below, the part of the code that needs to be modified)

Thank you

leaflet(mymap,options = leafletOptions(maxBoundsViscocity = 1,zoomDelta = 0.50)) %>%
  setMaxBounds(lng2 = 9.51,lat2 = 41.43,lng1 = -5.210,lat1 =51.13) %>%
  addTiles(options = tileOptions(minZoom = 6)) %>%
    lng = ~Longitude_ville,
    lat = ~Latitude_ville,
    label = ~XX,
    popup = ~YY
    group = "marker",
    clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions(
      iconCreateFunction = JS("function(cluster) {
          var children = cluster.getAllChildMarkers();
         var sum = 0;
         for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
            sum += children[i].options.popup;
         return new L.DivIcon({
              html: '<div style=\"background-color: rgb(111,198,204); opacity : 0.7\"><span>' + sum + '</div><span>',
              className: 'marker-cluster'
      ,spiderfyOnMaxZoom = FALSE,removeOutsideVisibleBounds = TRUE,singleMarkerMode = T))%>% 
  addPolygons(data = json_data_region) %>%


Welcome to the RStudio community!

It's good of you do share the piece of code where the the issue is happening, but for more complex issues like this you should create a reprex. A reprex consists of the minimal code and data needed to recreate the issue/question you're having. You can find instructions how to build and share one here:

Good luck!

Thanks for the answer.

I'll try to do my best giving code and sample of data.

For the polygons of the regions I use a file downloaded from this site:

for the sample, i'll give the sample in r code

if (!require("leaflet")) {
if (!require("htmlwidgets")) {
if (!require("dplyr")) {

if (!require("rgdal")) {
if (!require("rjson")) {
if (!require("leaflet.extras")) {
samplee <- tibble::tribble(
    ~Latitude_ville, ~Longitude_ville, ~n,
    43.8804,          -1.1552,  1,
    43.4617,           1.9959,  1,
    48.881,           2.5507,  1,
    45.6339,           5.5641,  1,
    49.6653,           1.9333,  1,
    47.2379,           6.8002,  1,
    48.8727631,         2.272776,  6,
    48.9582,            4.315,  1,
    49.2617,           5.9566,  1,
    47.8352,           0.0614,  1,
    43.6813,           7.1787,  3,
    48.7405,          -0.5645,  3,
    43.1249,           5.9306,  8,
    47.6219,           7.1203,  1,
    46.0441,           6.2986,  1,
    46.0985,           4.3438,  1,
    48.7978,           2.2535,  1,
    49.4662,           5.9271,  1,
    45.9048,           4.4176,  1,
    46.368,           2.5488,  2,
    43.442,           3.7802,  1,
    43.3688,           5.6465,  1,
    48.2185,          -3.3075,  1,
    48.2916,           4.1233,  1,
    48.9977,           2.0939,  1,
    43.8925,          -0.4844,  5,
    48.8735,           2.7083,  2,
    43.5299,           6.9262,  2,
    44.1288,           0.3414,  1,
    48.6889,           6.1709,  4,
    49.4662,           5.9271,  1,
    47.7765,           7.3585,  1,
    48.2018,           7.2923,  1,
    48.8696,           2.4255,  1,
    47.8127,           7.3166,  3,
    47.6496,           6.8381,  3,
    46.0888,           4.0578,  2,
    49.0308,           2.2245,  2,
    48.7091,           2.3887,  1,
    48.8956,           2.5694,  1,
    48.6291,           -2.057,  1,
    48.4981,           4.9189,  1,
    43.2700089,        5.3816693,  5,
    49.0662,           2.0647,  4,
    48.8093,           2.3873,  1,
    50.3218,           3.5377,  1,
    47.5148,            7.007,  1,
    48.8456,           7.8308,  5,
    45.6576,           6.3456,  1,
    50.6757,           3.1294,  1,
    44.9946,          -0.4223,  3,
    47.26,           6.0285,  6,
    48.6153,          -3.4872,  1,
    45.7179,           0.1927,  4,
    47.8802,          -2.8392,  1,
    50.529,           2.6406,  3,
    44.6541,           -1.174,  1,
    45.4018,           4.3704,  2,
    48.0242,          -1.7465,  1,
    50.7524,           3.1576,  1,
    47.1523,           4.9305,  1,
    43.3899,           0.0476,  1,
    50.6754,           3.1544,  1,
    48.1591,          -1.6809,  3,
    45.8397,           4.9972,  1,
    46.7659,           4.4476,  1,
    45.9041,          -0.9586,  1,
    48.7769,           7.8943,  1,
    48.6274,           2.5541,  5,
    49.7517,           2.1461,  1,
    44.9045,           1.1981,  2,
    47.6024,           6.8574,  1,
    48.8966,           2.2108,  1,
    48.7116,           2.2296,  1,
    48.9,           -1.526,  1,
    49.0113,           2.0326,  1,
    48.1275,          -1.9619,  1,
    43.6169,           1.0884,  2,
    50.4152,           2.9096,  1,
    50.2119,           3.0607,  1,
    50.9285,           1.8172,  3,
    45.5534,           2.3033,  1,
    50.6822,           3.2371,  2,
    46.7698,            0.494,  1,
    44.9001,           5.0143,  1,
    48.6913,           2.5338,  1,
    44.7654,          -0.4768,  1,
    47.732,           0.5812,  1,
    45.7988,           4.8532,  2,
    43.1702,          -0.5928,  1,
    49.0983,           2.4979,  1,
    43.9192,           5.0582,  1,
    49.2633,           6.0875,  1,
    45.4781,           4.4269,  1,
    48.987,           2.4602,  1,
    43.2956,           3.4882,  2,
    48.8635,           2.4501,  2,
    48.085,          -1.8417,  1,
    48.4671,          -2.6852,  1,
    46.789,           4.8438,  5,
    47.5148,            7.007,  1,
    50.1095,            1.826,  3,
    47.0421,           3.1425,  1,
    48.7091,           2.3887,  1,
    48.0665,           7.2793,  1,
    48.0749,          -0.8563,  1,
    45.3388,           5.0419,  1,
    43.9275,            4.265,  1,
    44.8621,          -0.0718,  1,
    48.8447,           2.2082,  1,
    47.5661,          -0.1136,  1,
    50.5117,           2.1259,  1,
    43.732,           4.2334,  1,
    48.9651,           1.8728,  2,
    50.4894,           2.9558,  2,
    47.626,             1.32,  1,
    48.1885,           5.8898,  1,
    45.2438,           4.2191,  1,
    48.9671,            2.557,  3,
    51.0346,           2.3386,  6
json_data_region <- rgdal::readOGR('json/region.geojson')

samp_leaflet <-
  leaflet(samplee, options = leafletOptions(maxBoundsViscocity = 1, zoomDelta = 0.50)) %>%
    lng2 = 9.51,
    lat2 = 41.43,
    lng1 = -5.210,
    lat1 = 51.13
  ) %>%
  addTiles(options = tileOptions(minZoom = 6)) %>%
    data = json_data_region,
    weight = 2,
    fill = F,
    color = 'black',
    highlightOptions = highlightOptions(bringToFront = TRUE)
  ) %>%
    lng = ~ Longitude_ville,
    lat = ~ Latitude_ville,
    label = ~ n,
    popup = ~ n,
    group = "marker",
    clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions(
      iconCreateFunction = JS(
        "function(cluster) {
          var children = cluster.getAllChildMarkers();
         var sum = 0;
         for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
            sum += children[i].options.popup;
         return new L.DivIcon({
              html: '<div style=\"background-color: rgb(111,198,204); opacity : 0.7\"><span>' + sum + '</div><span>',
              className: 'marker-cluster'
      spiderfyOnMaxZoom = FALSE,
      removeOutsideVisibleBounds = TRUE,
      singleMarkerMode = T
  ) %>% addScaleBar(position = "bottomleft", options = scaleBarOptions(imperial = FALSE))

# Print leaflet

Adding to this issue, i want to keep my map border, but adding polygons with markerCluster creates an overlay problem at the minimum zoom display. That's why resolve the first issue will sold the second one.

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