Using foreach in a given function

I am trying to use foreach in a given dataframe with a defined function.
Could anyone suggest me especially on lines 41-42 in the following code?

  finalSum <- foreach(b=iter(batchSets, by='row'), .combine=rbind) %dopar% 

The code:

require(microbenchmark, quietly=TRUE)
require(doParallel, quietly=TRUE)
require(ggplot2, quietly=TRUE)
detectedCores <- parallel::detectCores()
registerDoParallel(cores=detectedCores - 1) 

#Given dataframe

# Function to add a row in each row
# I need in this way by extracting a row at a time
fun_1 <- function(x,y,i){
  df_mont=dat1 %>% 
  df= df_mont %>% add_row(sl=i,first = x, second = y)

# Example of running the function with mapply
output=mapply(function(x,y,i) fun_1(x,y,i),
# Expected output
output1 <-"rbind", output)

#Required with foreach
# I want to do it using foreach

parll<- function(x) {
  items <- nrow(x)
  batches <- detectedCores * 4
  batchSets <- split(x, rep(1:batches, length.out=items))
  finalSum <- foreach(b=iter(batchSets, by='row'), .combine=rbind) %dopar% 
  return (finalSum)

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I did it like this

parll<- function(x,myfunc) {
  items <- nrow(x)
  batches <- detectedCores * 4
  batchSets <- split(x, rep(1:batches, length.out=items))
  finalSum <- foreach(b=iter(batchSets, by='row'), 
                      .packages = "tidyverse",
                      .export = "dat1") %dopar% 
  return (finalSum)
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Thanks, @nirgrahamuk for your reply.
The code works perfectly with the given data when nrow(dat1) <batches.
It doesn't work when the condition is vice versa i.e.
I changed batches <- detectedCores * 1 instead of batches <- detectedCores * 4.
assuming, detectedCores =8.
Could you check this again?

Thanks again.

The issue here is related to your function design (i.e. fun_1) it is not vectorised for i, so can only process a single i at a time, setting the batches lower, means multiple i's in a batch , which your function fails to process as desired.

  sl first second
1  1     9      8
9  9     4     10

   sl first second
2   2     7      7
10 10     1      5

  sl first second
3  3     8      6

  sl first second
4  4     6      9

  sl first second
5  5     3      3

  sl first second
6  6     2      2

  sl first second
7  7    10      1

  sl first second
8  8     5      4

as demonstration, here is a generic function that duplicates the rows of a dataframe, and can be distributed in parallel

fun_1 <- function(df_to_dup){

parll<- function(x,myfunc) {
  items <- nrow(x)
  batches <- detectedCores * 1
  batchSets <- split(x, rep(1:batches, length.out=items))

  finalSum <- foreach(b=iter(batchSets, by='row'), 
                      .packages = "tidyverse",
                      .export = "dat1") %dopar% {myfunc(b)}
  return (finalSum)

This can be another way to get the result.
I was hoping to get it done using the following datasets.

  items <- nrow(x)
  batches <- detectedCores * 1
  batchSets <- split(x, rep(1:batches, length.out=items))

my example is one using that fun_1 (containing bind_rows) with the batches and batchsets how you have it at the end...
The point is that the function (fun_1) how its written, and how values are passed to it are in alignment.
using batchSets where you pass multiple rows to fun_1, needs to be accounted for

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