Using image as full background of headerPanel in Shiny App

I am attempting to use an image in my www directory to span the full background of my headerPanel. I have my headerPanel title in headerPanel(h1("Title") then I am attempting to set my picture to the full background of the headerPanel. However, I cannot figure out how to size the picture to span the whole headerPanel.(Picture is in the www directory)

I have tried these two things, and both (no matter how I change the dimensions) I cannot get it to span the whole panel.

  ui = fluidPage(
      h1("Title", align = "center", style = "color: white", img(src="picture.jpeg", height  = 250, width = 250))),


  ui = fluidPage(
              background-repeat: no-repeat;
              background-size: 60% 200%;
            h1("Title", class = "title")),

Don't mind the random dimensions, I messed around with them so much that I don't remember which ones I started with. Is there a way that I can just get the picture to span all of the columns of the headerPanel?

As a word of caution, I'm no a HTML/CSS expert, but this is how I would approach it :slight_smile:

I don't think headerPanel() is going to be appropriate for your use case because title is always wrapped in a <h1> tag (and thus limits our ability to overlay/underlay an image).

> shiny::headerPanel
function (title, windowTitle = title) 
    tagList(tags$head(tags$title(windowTitle)), div(class = "col-sm-12", 

We could write a similar function though that allows us to put an image behind the title text


# with help from
headerImagePanel <- function(title, src) {
    style = "display: inline; position: relative",
      src = src, 
      style="width:100%; max-width:100%; position: absolute; z-index:-1;"
    h1(title, style="display: inline;")

ui <- fluidPage(
  headerImagePanel("title", "")

server <- function(input, output) {}

shinyApp(ui, server)

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