validating records in data

I am validating duplicates in data frame but how i can ignore NA's and blank cells any solution....???

df4 <- data.frame(emp_id =c("DEV-2962","KTN_2252","ANA2719","ITI_2624","KTN_2252","HRT2921","","KTN2624","DEV2698","ITI2535","DEV2698","HRT2837","ERV2951","KTN2542","ANA2813","ITI2210"),
                  email = c("","","","","","","","","","",NA,NA,"","","",""))

ID = "emp_id"
Email = "email"

df4 <- df4 %>% 
  mutate(across(c(ID, Email), ~as.integer(duplicated(.)), .names = 'flag_{col}'))

duplicated() has the argument incomparables that should do what you want:

df4 %>% 
                ~as.integer(duplicated(., incomparables = NA_character_)), .names = 'flag_{col}'))

duplicated takes the argument incomparables. You can provide a vector of values that should not be compared. Modifying your example above gives what you're looking for, I think.


df4 <- data.frame(emp_id =c("DEV-2962","KTN_2252","ANA2719","ITI_2624","KTN_2252","HRT2921","","KTN2624","DEV2698","ITI2535","DEV2698","HRT2837","ERV2951","KTN2542","ANA2813","ITI2210"),
                  email = c("","","","","","","","","","",NA,NA,"","","",""))

ID = "emp_id"
Email = "email"

df4 <- df4 %>% 
  mutate(across(c(ID, Email), ~as.integer(duplicated(., incomparables = c(NA, ""))), .names = 'flag_{col}'))

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