Vectors from while loop to matrix

Hi, and welcome!

You've got an essential part right -- the vectors need to be of equal length. And, of course, a matrix can't mix characters and numeric the way a data frame can.

Loops have their place, but often a more direct approach is preferable.

Consider this reproducible example, called a reprex

vector1 <- seq(1,10,1)
vector2 <- seq(11,20,1)
vector3 <- seq(21,30,1)
vectors <- cbind(vector1, vector2, vector3)
#>       vector1 vector2 vector3
#>  [1,]       1      11      21
#>  [2,]       2      12      22
#>  [3,]       3      13      23
#>  [4,]       4      14      24
#>  [5,]       5      15      25
#>  [6,]       6      16      26
#>  [7,]       7      17      27
#>  [8,]       8      18      28
#>  [9,]       9      19      29
#> [10,]      10      20      30
#> [1] "matrix"

Created on 2019-12-21 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)