What should I use to start a blog

Hello I'd like to start a very simple blog, mostly to remind myself how to do some things I seem to search again and again...
I know the field is moving a lot those days, would there be some technology that would enable me to write rmarkdown and publish as a blog page?
Apart front this I have no particular prerequisite on the technology or how to host the blog.

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Hi there! blogdown is probably a good place to start. It's pretty turnkey and has fantastic documentation (I used it for my own website and found the learning curve to be gentle), and there are many modern themes you can choose among (my favorite is the Hugo Academic theme).

Hope this helps!


Blogdown is great. I've rounded up a bunch of resources here including the blogdown book:


Many thanks for the prompt replies!
Will use blogdown

I'd also take a look at the .rbind community. They have a github repository that hosts a bunch of blogs from many users in the rstats community. Great way to get ideas and look at the source code to see how something you like was done.