When do I know I need a professional license of RStudio?


I'm looking for advise on how to deploy what I've been developing to a customer and I am wondering if I need to acquire a RStudio Professional license.

I use R as one of my tools as DS & BI consultant creating Dashboards and I wish to deploy these custom solutions on my customer's server, do I need a professional license?

No one else is accessing the script just the output which is an HTML flexdashboard and possibly a Shiny app and there isn't any collaborative work etc etc. - which is what I understood mostly from the website.

I never deployed RStudio on a customer's server, I would run everything on my local machine but I am at a point where I need to have my script run in a schedule or even when I get to the Shiny version, directly at the customers server, all of which could be done from my machine I know, but I would rather have it on their server which is running 24/7. I honestly don't see why I would need the professional license unless it is for collaborative work, but since I don't want any issues I would like to clarify this before any deployment.

Another scenario would be:

I provide a Software company these solutions and they deploy it as a product (which they might monetize or not), should they purchase business/ server licenses?

Thanks for any feedback.

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